I was thinking along those lines. My thoughts were to get a set of Cherokee springs and disassemble them and use all but the main leaf, leave the Eagle main leaf in place, add Cherokee leaves until you get the ride and height you want. It can be done without removing Eagle main leaf, jack the car up by frame, let the axle droop, remove the u bolts, clamp leaves together with a heavy duty c-clamp, remove spring center bolt, release the c-clamp,, remove the leaves, then slide the Cherokee leaves in place, align the center bolt hole, clamp the leaves back together with c-clamp, install the center bolt and ubolts, depending on the thickness of the Cherokke springs, you may have to get longer ubolts. I did a ford pickup like this one time, I got another set of springs, cut the eyes off main leaf, and used the entire spring along with the main leaf on the truck, gave it more load capacity.