As you can remember rear corner of side window had some rust hidden.
This was under all window sealer...
What is hidden under this rusty piece of sheet metal?
Let´s open it...
Rust of course!
Hmm... Needs more to cut... What might be there...
There is.... RUST... that you can´t cut, because there is nothing behind it, but you can clean it...
Now it looks much better!
Testing a new piece of sheet metal. Fits nicely, but there is something missing! It is not ready to weld...
It needs this. An one inch nail.... or just a head of it.
There must be a pin for plastic spacer just there to keep glass out of metal...
Now it is time to weld all together. But NO! Behind there is painted interior... What Angus MacGyver would do? What can I do to save that paint... YES! Glue it!
So I´ll weld it tomorrow...