After a very long weekend, and over 50 hours of work (no joke, I lack finger prints to prove it, haha), the jeep is painted.
How it all went down.
Friday night, I cleaned prepped, and primed the hatch, hood, and fenders (until about 2am)
Saturday 6:45 am, spent a good portion of the day cleaning and prepping all the body jambs, and engine bay for paint, then painted said areas. Pushed the jeep outside, proceeded the block all the doors, hood, hatch, header panel, and fenders. I then found that one of my doors was pretty bad in the looks depot, but it was late so I quit (2am).
Sunday 7:30 am, First thing, re-primer the bad door. Then prep, clean, etch prime and paint the back sides of the hood, fenders, header panel, and hatch. While waiting for that stuff to dry, I started on some wet sanding on the body shell. Once it was safe, fenders, header, and hood were installed (hatch set aside). Next, the back sides of the doors, prepped, cleaned, etched, and painted. A Friend stopped by, so just bs'd until the doors were dry enough to install, thanks to said Friend, lol. Finally the long night of wet sanding the roof, I wanted it done, so it was good and dry when it came time to paint (4am).
Monday, I slept in 8:30 am, Finished wet sanding, with the help of Dad, then proceded to clean, clean, clean, and further clean until I was ready for paint. All said and done, 6:00 PM
One Color Jeep!!!
I still have lots of work to do, tonight will be consumed by wet sanding, in hopes that I can get rid of the some of the orange peel (keep in mind the majority of the paint I used, is over 15 years old, haha). I tried thinning the paint (as in three times the recommended amount), which helped, but it's just not up to my low standards for the jeep, lol. If it doesn't wet sand nice or well enough, I'll just have to clear it. Another step closer though, once I get it all cleaned up, and bring it to a proper shine I'll take some outdoor pics, the color is actually really cool.