Pieces are comming together, tomarrow i should have my final few parts needed for the wagon from work (at a discount) transmission gasket/filter, oil pan gasket (hopefully rubber 1 piece, talk was made to me today of a multi piece ..... if so it goes back), valve cover gasket (decided to go with a thick cork gasket). I recently purchased a 4.2 stamped aluminum valve cover off of ebay with the exact same mounting configuration as the stock plastic cover (could be good, could become a flower pot if I detect leaks). The only major thing i forgot to get through work was an oil filter and oil, so that is on the upcomming new list.
I have kinda been put under the gun because as some of you know I have 4 cars here and only 1 that is really road worthy without major leaks or *cough* head gasket problems. My wife started her new job today and that involves me getting dropped off to work and being forced to hope that i can get a ride home (or walk 12 miles). i am hoping to get the car in this weekend and at the very least get the new pan installed and the valve cover and just deal with the slippage for a little bit longer (over 3k miles put on the car thus far with the slippage)
Stay tuned for pictures