WOW good timing, i found my card adapter!!!! without further adue PICTURES!!!!!
the whole gang of parts eagles
the only SX/4 in the place
one of the nicest 4 door sedans i have seen perfect interior but sadly the floorboards are gone and the rails are toast
the quick way to get an oil pan out of a wagon (some torching involved) i will say i am sad to cut this car the frame and floorboards where perfect, but someone had already put a fork through the windshield to lift it (the owner of the yard made it clear that he is now employed elsewhere, but I got it's visors!!!)
this car made me scratch my head because i have never seen one before, i was offered to buy it but there will never be a title for it because it was turned in for scrap over 4 years go
..... is this a VAM Lerma?