Baskinator, it is a radiator shop located in teh back of a dirty warehouse building that not a lot of people know about. The guy is a scrap metal hauler and works on refurbing radiators as a hobby with the help of his sons. His boys have probably taken it over by now. It has been probably 7-8 years since I was there.
Anyway, the cost should be around $60. He will first clean it up and then dunk it in a tub of antifreeze and pressurize it looking for bubbles. If he doesn't find any, they clean it up again and run his "cocktail" through it for a few hours. After that, they rinse and repeat reversing the flow if it is obstructed at all. Then they clean it up, dunk again to look for air leaks, fix the leaks and shine it up and paint it.
Takes about a week to get done but it is mostly the time it takes to run the cocktail through it. I can't say for sure, but I think the cocktail is a rust remover/scale dissolving solution. All I do know for sure is that the fluid runs through like a greyhound after a rabbit when they are done.