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1983 AMC Eagle Wagon Heating Problem

Started by krimmth, March 14, 2025, 12:05:48 PM

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Since 3 years I own a 83 Eagle Wagon Limited in Germany. Bought the Eagle in the Netherlands in bad condition but I brought the Eagle on the road. The Eagles are quite rare in Europe as only a few has been sold.
From the first time I have problems with the heating. It seems one of the pre-owners has changed already the heater core and did not put all things together properly.
Probably I do not understand how the setting of the heating works. My eagle has an AC. I have renewed the heat valve as it was blocked and it switches on and off setting to AC or cold with the vaccum.
However I have still the feeling I have always a flow of warm air.
I have checked the door in the heatbox with the foam because I have read that the foam looses after the years. The foam is tight and the door opens and closes.
I am wondering if it usual that the heatbox has on the top no gasket, there is a gap and I can grab into the box and feel the door (with the foam).
Means the setting HEAT, heat -> warm air hence is that to the cool position and it is always a light flow of air until switching to AC or cold?

Maybe somebody can help me.

Please excuse my english.


Still Pat

Your English is understandable. I have a very similar problem in that I ALWAYS get hot air. I'm unable to get down under the dash to inspect everything, I've been told to check to make sure the door (in the "heatbox") is sealing properly. Another suggestion I got was to check the cables & make sure they're not binding/sticking. Good luck/Viel Glück!
'83 AMC Eagle wagon 258/auto.
'84 AMC Eagle sedan (4 door) 258/auto.
'72 Gremlin X 304/3 speed
'81 Eagle Kammback 258/4 speed (Purchased new)
'82 Eagle wagon 258/5 speed (Ordered new, traded Kammback)
'86 (I THINK) Eagle wagon - BlackBird 258/auto. (Got hit/totaled)
'83 Eagle wagon - White Eagle 258-auto. (Front subframe was rotted out - sold for parts)


Function of cables is looking good. Will check the door again.Is not easy because the gap between the heatbox and the metal above is pretty small.

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