I didn't know there was a classified section here. I will let you know if I get more stuff. I have to replace the outside door handle. I am tired of not being able to get in the drivers door. I don't drive it yet, but being able to access that side of the car will be nice. The car came into the junkyard missing its keys. I hated too but I used my hammer and screwdriver and decimated the trunklock to open the trunk (1981 2door sedan eagle). Inside the trunk I found the original amc logo washer holder plastic bottle and 2 brand new belts for the engine and 2 new gaskets inside an opened gasket kit of some sort (may got back to write down the package brand numbers) and found the jack and I needed the rubber thingies on the jack that hold the handle so I grabbed those and I found a small bag that had a headlight adjustment screw and something else inside so I got those and I found something else in there I really wanted but now can't recall...some missing interior part that was missing and I needed and found back there inside the trunk..a dash or door part I think. I'll go back another week, right now all those wasps everywhere freak me out. I need a week to brave it again, they aren't going to go away so I'll bring wasp spray, hopefully it won't really make them mad since they fly around from all over the yard and these are wasps not hornets.