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squealling, stalling, dying, popping, and not responding

Started by Krico, October 10, 2014, 03:20:48 AM

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Hey guys I need some real help with this one, It has been puzzling me for months and seems to be getting worse. Initially I thought it was just a belt squeal so I put some dressing on it, then the car began to die whenever stopping and only when stopping, then it would start back up just fine after that. every once in a while I'd hear it idle irratic and low like it was gonna die usually did.
Tonight was the coldest night I have driven this year, the squealing was as awful, it died every time i stopped and squealed every time I started it up, also while I was going down the highway  I'd give it more gas it would stutter, it even would not respond at some points and then die.
Keep on truckin'


Squealling sounds like a belt problem, is your Eagle like mine many belts w/ac or is it a serpine belt,mfg in or for CA.
Year of car, with or without a/c or air pump, would be good info for us to better help you?
Have you ever replaced your vacume lines, are they cracked rotting?
The stalling dying popping and no responce can be as simple as your choke not opening all the way to a vacume device in your airclear can, where air come in, there is a door that opens by vacumm as car gets engine gets warmer, its a real undetected part that can cause everything you are talking about except your squealling, here is a simple trick, to try its for only to check the stalling, dying, and not responding, part of your trouble, simply undo the wing nut top of your air cleaner housing, remove cover and air cleaner, put wing nut,top of air cleaner housing and filter in eagle or trunk, start car, hood open in park or N. if standarde-brake on, forget about squealling for now let run, when it warms up, look to see if chock openned if so press on gas see if it revs up and down, if so, close hood take for short ride, stop quick with it, depress from a stopped position down hard on gas pedal, if no problems look down the horn snoot of bottom of air cleaner where the flex hose comes in with outside air if do dose not open, the Eagle is starving for air, if choke does note open and parked test fail look at electric connection or if any moving parts on carb need to be freed or cleaned or oiled, in or on home page of forum select EPedia its a very tech packed area search stalling and such, there are prints pictures worded how to's not just fix but test to find the problem,
my offer of info while on the road, is a best guess on issues I have have with my eagles. Without checking something and reporting back results its hard to help you with detail given thus far, but its a start, OK Ken!


Sounds like the AIR pump may be seizing up. No amount of adjusting will fix it and it can stall your car.
AMC/Jeep gauges are for amusement only. Any correlation between them and reality is purely coincidental!


Thankyou everyone for your responses, I apologize for the lack of info, it is a 1986 6cyl eagle the belt is squealing from the alternator/ air compressor, It just felt as if it was related to the stalling somehow, I' am going to take a look at that air cleaner box  and see what I can come up with
Keep on truckin'


If the belt is loose and suddenly grabs as your motor is dropping to idle, it can stall the motor.
AMC/Jeep gauges are for amusement only. Any correlation between them and reality is purely coincidental!

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