Note: This does not happen ALL the time, but often enough for me to raise concern. Also, I am not sure if this is actually transmission related.
Second Preface: My kickdown linkage is basically incomplete. If I do not want my car to shift WAY early, I manually upshift it. (It will also not downshift by itself obviously without coming to a stop)
Sometimes when driving at highway speeds, I will notice that the car does not want to accelerate (it will maintain about 55). I can floor the pedal and feels like literally nothing. I know our cars are slow, but highway passing is fine when it is not doing this. Then, when I come to a stop, first and second feel sluggish too...and my temp will raise slightly (not dangerously though). Here is the real weird part: if I put the car in park, the car WILL stall if it has been doing this. Restart--no more problem.
What could this possibly be? If I replace/repair my kickdown linkage...could that help? I am MUCH more concerned about keeping my tranny in tip-top shape now that I just replaced my rear end...I cannot afford to replace two out of three of the most expensive parts on the car at this time.
Thanks in advance Nest!