Just upgraded the ignition on my 83 Eagle this past weekend and yesterday was my first real test of it. What I did was the TFI upgrade and initial starts and driving it to work yesterday I had no issues whatsoever. I had to run over to Hampton VA (from Norfolk) about 1030 crossing the Hampton Roads Bridge tunnel. No real issues except I felt what I could best describe as a intermittent cough coming from the engine. I could feel it but it wasnt slowing me down or anything.
So I did my business, was on the way back to work and got hung up on the bridge/tunnel on the way back (someones truck broke down). As I was waiting for traffic to move again, I still felt the "cough" but car was running ok otherwise. Soon as traffic started moving, I hit the gas and it stalled. I was able to restart but this time, the cough was more pronounced. It reminded me of the time my 01 Grand Cherokee threw a code for misfiring on cylinders 1 and 3. I got the car back to my work, looked under the hood and tugged, pushed, looked over everything..wasn't anything loose. Car started up fine when I left work and about 3/4 the way home, it started acting up again. Long story short, I barely got the car home.
I checked all the new parts, everything was tightly connected, plug wires were all seated on both ends. I looked to see of I disturbed any other wires/vacuum lines when I was working on car, nothing looked out of place.
When I did the upgrade, I checked numerous sources to ensure I was getting the right parts, but only deviated on the coil. I didnt want to cut any wires so I used the accel 140207 coil (direct bolt in and uses the factory horseshoe connector) and at least one other on this forum is using that coil with no issues.
My first guess on this is since I used the Accel coil I shouldnt have gapped the plugs to .045 as its a 1.4 ohm coil and the resistor wire is still in place. Some pages say to gap to .045 with this coil, other dont say. I plan on adjusting that tonight/tomorrow first to .040, the .035 of that doesnt work.
Any other thoughts on this?