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'82 Model ICM - Looking for 12V for HEI

Started by macdude443, July 14, 2012, 08:43:41 AM

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So I bought a one-wire HEI distributor and I'm looking for somewhere to grab the 12V from (key in ON position).  I heard on every other year besides '82, this is simply the yellow wire that runs into the ICM.  I no longer have the ICM, it was removed by the previous owner.  The plugs are still there.  Any ideas on where I can find the 12V I need on my year?

Also, the electric choke on the MC2100, does that get the same Key-On 12V supply?
1982 Eagle SX/4
1986 Eagle Wagon


Choke gets a different supply from a timer.  You can test the plugs with the key in the on position, red to the lead and black to battery ground.  Turn the key off and see which one loses power.  I believe it was a red on my 82'.  You can always run a new wire from the Solenoid.


Sounds easy enough.  Now if I can only find the timer...
1982 Eagle SX/4
1986 Eagle Wagon


It's my understanding that the choke gets its 12v from the oil pressure switch after there is  oil pressure. Then it will stay 12v until oil pressure is gone. There is a heater in the intake that runs of a relay that is switched on with oil pressure and then switched off with a sensor in the intake.
1986 AMC Eagle Wagon 4.2L/4.0L head, AW4,NP242, Chrysler 8.25" rear.
1981 AMC Eagle Wagon As Seen On TV  Lost In Transmission

"I know he'd be a poorer man, if he never saw an eagle fly,
Rocky mountain high"  John Denver
Click for Fayetteville,TN Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150


The 3 prong plug behind the oil filter housing has 12V (that's the feed to the choke and the oil light too unless you have a gauge)
AMC/Jeep gauges are for amusement only. Any correlation between them and reality is purely coincidental!


1982 Eagle SX/4
1986 Eagle Wagon

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