The reason for coming to Cleveland was for a little radiation training. The company I work for does Geophysical and Hydrophysical logging. We typically test wells to figure out the geological make up of the well and what fractures water is coming from in the well typically for environmental reasons. However they also can use some of the probes for concrete density testing aka gamma gamma testing or logging. We are going to be testing some drill shafts for a bridge next year and the state required the contractor to make some samples so we can calibrate the equipment. It uses a radioactive source that screws into the probe. The probe has a detector that sends back the info to the computer in counts per second. Being a carpenter for 20+ years, this is all rocket science to me.
Source protected in a container.
Probes are about 3' long
Computer with remote winch and electronics box which sends the info to the computer.
I'm going to check out the Rock and Roll hall of fame today since most of my relatives are working today and the weather is crappy.