As you may already know, my Eagle is sitting *again*, with a shot water pump. Parts should arrive early next week and (as per the previous post) repairing should be quite easy. Or so I hope.
But now let me share my recent thoughts about this thing. Searching for the cause of the pump seizure, I found that my fan clutch was stuck. In fact, it's as if it isn't there at all. The fan is actually one piece with the pulley.
It spins at the engine's RPM (applying all the pulleys and belts ratios, of course).
So this probably caused the pump to work under a severe overload, especially during long highway trips.
The problem is that it's been like this since I bought the car (at least). Three years and more of fan speed craze.
Then I had another problem, that only today I thought could be related: I noticed that the RPM is always a bit too high, compared to the car's speed. Say, at 65mph, RPM reaches the 3.000 notch (or a bit lower, assuming the tach isn't properly a precision tool).
I also posted about this thing some time ago: at first we thought about something dragging (brakes ?), then I supposed I had some strange transmission option or modification (trailer towing gears ?).
But now I wonder (and that's the point of this post): could it all be just fan related ?
Another clue is that things got worse (from this point of view) when I replaced the belts: so maybe before replacing, when the fan and pump couldn't catch up with the engine speed the old and dry belts just "slipped", giving some relief to the system ?
I know, I'll have the full answer (and hopefully a like-new, well-behaving Eagle) only when I'll be done replacing the fan clutch and pump, but, just for curiosity, what d'ya all think about this ?