ok... first let me explain what happen. some how the wires for the rear hatch solenoid were worn through the insulation and made contact with the door plate (The piece inside the cabin that helps clean up the appearance under door) anyway it shorted out and nearly caught fire... I went in and tried rewiring it, but I think it melted off some where further in to the side panel OR fried the solenoid or both... (Yeah I know what you are thinking... and yes it sucked HARD) anyway... I am now in need of one, and am considering a possible solution that not only will help prevent it, but will also help in running them else where in the future.
I have seen newer mini vans with contact points on the door, and I am thinking that with the right application a person could run the wires to the contacts through the doors and down the body without having to worry about such an event happening again (in theory) has anyone tried this? if so get back and let us know how it worked as I would like to apply this to other applications (Like speakers) as there are plenty of contact point options and sizes available