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Cooling System / Re: Water jacket on Intake Manifold
« Last post by 89 MJ on December 16, 2024, 05:27:01 PM »
Shouldn’t have any negative impacts. The coolant through the intake is just there to heat the air-fuel combination.
Under the Hood & HVAC / Redo Vacuum Lines From Scratch?
« Last post by SpectreMkVIII on December 16, 2024, 04:14:01 PM »
Hi all, long time reader and first time poster. I have a bit of an interesting situation. A few years ago I bought a 1984 Limited Wagon as a project and I've been doing work on it every so often. The previous owner seems to have removed every single piece of vacuum equipment from this thing, from the lines to the evap canister to the EGR valve. They also replaced the Carter BBL with a Holley 2300. I've been trying to buy new bits and pieces when I can find them so I have a small collection of random bits and pieces along with what was put in a box and left in the back. How should I start putting everything back together? I have the TSMs, I have the Chilton's guide, but whenever I consult the diagrams I have no real idea what should go where, or what I should even do first. Any help would be appreciated.
Cooling System / Water jacket on Intake Manifold
« Last post by Taylor on December 16, 2024, 01:55:27 PM »
How will it effect the way the engine runs if the intake manifold is replaced with 1 that does not have a water jacket?
Off topic / Re: If money were no object...
« Last post by vangremlin on December 16, 2024, 01:37:55 PM »
Air conditioning
4.0 engine with real fuel injection, not throttle body
Bumper end caps for the Kammback and 1980 two door sedan
The plastic piece that covers the gap between the body and the bumper on the Kammback

Nothing special  :rotfl:
Suspension, Steering, Brakes, Wheels & Tires / Re: I can't find/purchase Front Springs
« Last post by Ludworks on December 16, 2024, 01:08:19 AM »
My springs had a tag, but it was unreadable. Don't know about Evenprimes, but I doubt it would matter, I don't think those codes would mean anything to anyone nowadays.

It would be great if someone could find that mystical spring selector guide. Then we could at least assemble an accurate account of what Eagles got one code springs. And hey, maybe it actually contains the spring specs.
Afraid I also have never actually laid eyes on that mystical Sprint Selector Guide either!   I have tons of AMC manuals and parts books; but that's not one of them.   I take it your springs are missing the tag?
Suspension, Steering, Brakes, Wheels & Tires / Re: I can't find/purchase Front Springs
« Last post by maddog on December 14, 2024, 09:43:41 PM »
The driver side spring for Eagle Eyes has a tag wrapped around one of the spring coils.
Suspension, Steering, Brakes, Wheels & Tires / Re: I can't find/purchase Front Springs
« Last post by Ludworks on December 14, 2024, 04:19:49 PM »
AMC of Houston,

10!? That's worse than I thought.

You don't happen to have any more information for those B_ codes do you? There's reference to a "Suspension spring selector guide" in MR251 but I can't find any trace of it.
Trouble is that there are way too many different springs for an aftermarket company to list just one for a particular year and model of car.   The factory parts manual lists 10 different front springs for the Eagle, depending on the particular car's options.  Back at the AMC dealer, one had to get the code off of a tag on the spring in order to match up with a new one (was a 2-digit code; BA thru BK - no BI code).   Good luck figuring it out.
Off topic / Re: If money were no object...
« Last post by Illeagle1984 on December 14, 2024, 02:05:42 PM »
A rollcage and a supercharged Buick 3.8 is all she really needs, maybe a t-case with 4LO...

Oh and a paint job to match the Eagle rally car.  :amc:
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