Eagle Gallery > AMC Eagle Nest Member Art
I think I might call it project soaring eagle!!!!
SS eagle:
Ok so this is just a crude drawing of hopefully what my eagle will look lIke gonna paint it silver with flat black hood and and big hood scoop and I'm also thinking some hood pins wood look sick
Imput great appreciated thx
SS eagle:
Maybe or even like on the old cudas or dart r/t models with just the massive hood scoop sticking out but maybe not that big. It's actually going to be a daily driver with ocational trail use for tire I have a set of 245/75r/15 that are almost brand new that I hope will fit if not I'll probably just buy so that are a little thiner
245/75/15 won't fit the stock setup so you must be thinking of doing some suspension work. My 215/75/15 General Grabber All Terrains fit but have very little extra room. While you're only talking about a liitle less than 2" difference in overall diameter, that 2" in height and 1.25" extra width may be really tight. Plus it depends on the rim they're mounted on too.
SS eagle:
Well ya I was planning to do some suspension work and i was also thinking wheel spacers free up some room
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