ahoj petr, jak se mas! My name is Jiri Zeman, I live in Roanoke, Virginia, USA. I am from Brno. My wife Newassa, and I were last in CZ in 012, did not know there was even one AMC Eagle in the country. I would have really liked to meet you. How did you get an Eagle to CZ? We have two, an 82 sedan, (about to die), and an 84 sedan, (about to be reborn) If you ever come to the USA for a visit or vacation or whatever, come see us. I am Czech (54 years old), and I can make svickova, in the usa, no big deal for you I know! I left CZ as a small boy in 1967 when my father, a doctor, took us to Africa, then western Europe, and finally Canada. Now I live in the USA. In 012 I finally had a chance to come home, first time since 67. What a beautiful country CZ is! We even got to go to the Tatra museum! Anyway, if you ever need anything for your Eagle, and can't find it in EU, I will do my best to find it for you.
Na shledanou, hope to hear from you. jz