I had this issue with the sx/4, I had the write up on how to go about this, but it was lost in the great delete, lol. This is a rotal PITA to do, remove the mirror from the car, find all the phillips head screws, and remove them. There are a few behind the glass that are really tough to get to, but if you have a bit, or one of those "L" shaped drivers it's possible. Once you have the all the screws out, you'll be able to pull the glass, with swivel assembly out. Notice your cable are crimped. The only way I saw to fix the floopy glass, is to GENTLY un-crimp (I stress gently because it's just cast, and breaks easily), tighten the cable by sliding the cable casing, the carefully re crimp. I endd up breaking one of the cable crimps, like I said it's cast and doesn't take well to bending more than once, I used epoxy to ensure the cable wouldn't go anywhere. It does work though, but likely only be able to do this one time.