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Summer Job!

Started by Baskinator, June 09, 2011, 03:25:47 AM

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Ok, I believe I'm just going to buy an external transmission cooler which should mostly solve my problem and won't cost nearly as much as a radiator. I think I'm going to clamp the cooler hoses to the old rusty lines to use temporarily and worry about them later. They should be fine for a little while.

I did, however, remove the cooler line fittings from the radiator. This was the result:

Even after drenching them with liquid wrench, waiting at least an hour, and using some more liquid wrench, both of the elbows busted off while still screwed in the radiator and tore off the ends of the lines. I didn't bother trying to take the other threads out, I'm going to flush the trans fluid out of the old cooler and use epoxy to seal up the holes so no coolant leaks out.

I also removed the a/c condenser to prep for installing a cooler.

1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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Just another one of those agrivating set backs..Its so frustrating when your moving right along and somthing like this happens...Dont feel bad though I busted mine off too...A new radiator is a always good investment anyway on cars this old.
AMC, serving up heaping helpings of AWESOME since 1954


Thanks for the inspiration guys. Looks like a radiator from Advance Auto would be about $145 after -$50 coupon code online. It has a brass core. I don't know if I'll go with this yet, but it's good to know they have big discounts like this. I really would like an external cooler anyway, I'm looking at a B&M 70268 from there. I also realized they sell the thermostat housing(water outlet) too, so hopefully I'll go get one at the store tomorrow.
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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Got a trans cooler and installed it today ;D It's an Imperial Maxi XL from Advance.

Still have to flush the old cooler and epoxy the holes, didn't get a chance to do anything else. Also bought a new thermostat housing, and a universal drain plug to put on the trans pan so I don't have to drop it every time I change the fluid. I'll get these installed soon so hopefully I can totally finish the cooling system and trans stuff.
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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I have have not been on the nest much recently.  I missed a lot on this build.  I am impressed with the progress you have made.  Keep up the good work.  wish I could make progress like that on mine.  Right now I only know how to do 2 out of the 5 things my poor Eagle needs.
<a href="">Click for La_Vista, Ne Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150 [/url]

"The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they
are genuine."

- Abraham Lincoln

1983 Eagle Wagon
2003 Saturn LW200
2007 Saturn Ion
1985 Mallard Class C motor home

After our fiasco with the Toyota Corolla I got for my wife I believe I am done with Japanese vehicles.

Dude you are preaching to a choir member that is close to becoming an AMC Minister if you know what I mean.


Got most of the driver floor pan cut out.

Part way through when I remembered to take a picture:

How it looks now:

Cut out and sanded the rusty rocker panels (inner and outer) and sanded down a few rust spots on the driver side door:

Sanded down a lot of the frame on this section:

I tried putting on the t-stat housing as well, but it still leaked when I filled the radiator with water. Don't think it cracked, but it was probably because I used RTV. I'll test again tomorrow and remove the RTV if it hasn't sealed yet.
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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Hmm, I think I might check that out today, thanks. Couldn't hurt.
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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Just finished my brakes!!! (for the most part). Installed the new loaded brake booster today because it finally arrived, and also ended up putting on that one last brake line that I was hoping not to have to change. Oh well, at least they're all done now!

Old booster

New booster

Installed that last high beam as well, so the headlights are all good.
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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Isn't that soo satisfying to have a new one installed?no worries
Philotomy,(my old  D+D Hobbit character) noun,pronounced "fil oto mee",but you can call me Don
1987 Eagle station wagon 4.2 mpfi


I know, I can't wait to bleed the brakes and get them tightened up and working! Too dark to start anything right now though, will hopefully do that tomorrow. My front parking brake cable is on the way, so that will be finished soon too. I already removed the old one and it won't be a problem like I thought. Call me butter, 'cause I'm on a roll!!! ;D
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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 :rotfl: LOL, I'm good with cheesy jokes I guess haha.

I'm really excited to have the brakes done (as you can tell, since I've said it a billion times). I'd hate to have to do that booster a second time, I was scraping up my elbow on the cut up floorboard in 90-something degree weather trying to lean under there to remove the bolts. Let's just say I was out of breath by the time I was done straining to get them off.

EVERYTHING is new for the brakes now, except for the combination valve and actually one very small steel line coming off of that (which I may replace just for kicks). These should last for a very long time!

I get to check all that alignment junk out when I can finally test drive the car. None of it looks pretty right now, I just hope it can hold up for inspection until I have a chance to make more money. As far as I know, it's all stable. None of the wheels have any play either.
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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So finally after a couple days of vacation from the outrageous heat, I got to do a little bit of work on my Eagle. Well actually, all I did was seal up those holes on the radiator (for the old trans cooler) with some marine grade epoxy paste after flushing it. Other than that, I only got to inspect my fuel lines a little more.

I am going to replace the return fuel lines at least, and probably the sending lines as well. The return lines are way worse, and have been replaced before, with what I think is the wrong size.

The return lines on there are 3/16", but I believe they're supposed to be 1/4". This is the only thing I've found about them:
Any info on this would be great. Also, does anybody know what size the sending lines are?

Finally, I found this old rusty piece (bottom of picture)by the gas tank which connects between the return lines. Is this just an in-line fuel filter of some sort?
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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AHHHH, that makes a lot of sense now!!! I saw there was a line coming from the charcoal canister, so that must be the one. I don't think I'll even bother replacing those lines since they probably won't look for that during inspection and it can't really hurt it being rusty. Thanks!

I would really like to try doing these lines tomorrow, and also finish up the cooling system. Anyone know the size of the return fuel lines or the fuel sending lines?
1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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5/16 feed
1/4 return
3/16 evap

gettin there!! :occasion14:
88 xj cherokee- ((4)(4))2
81 malibu 4dr- Identity Crisis
81 SX4- gf's
84 Eagle 4dr sedan- it followed me home... ::)


1982 AMC Eagle SX/4 (Work In Progress)

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