No worries guys, all is well here. Just trying to keep my priorities in line. Ran into some issues last November that I'm still digging myself out of... one being the time I spent on the Nest. Not that I don't love you guys but I think you all know what I mean when I say that I have to keep the wheels turning in the real world or else our Midwest Sanctuary is going to go "poof" if you catch my drift.
Yes, spending alot of time working on my school stuff and maintaining my 4.0... actually just made the Dean's list. Just got my letter today! Still not working and though I finally got my unemployment - it wasn't as much as planned and it didn't go as far as expected. That's typical I suppose. There's never enough money, lol! The house is still not done and still hasn't been finalized. I still don't have cement in the barn. It was all supposed to happen in June or July but because Shelly switched jobs, the bank freaked out and they now want her employed for 6mo solid even though she's been steadily emplyed for last 11 years. Oh well. Now everything has been post-poned until February. But, I'm hanging in there and rolling with the punches coming back with fists'a flyin like the Itallian Stallion baby!
So rest assured, nothing about the Meet has been post-poned or anything like that. We're still on and everything is going as planned. I did hope for a bit more excitement and participation this year and jumped through some extra hoops to arrange some really cool suprises for the Cordova part of the Meet... but if people don't show - we'll miss them, but it's their loss. Them's the breaks ya know? It'll all work out and we'll still have fun even if it's just the four of us!!
The T-Shirt design is almost finished and I will be having them printed within the next week or two.
My AutoZone donation has been approved and I'll be picking that up this week for the goodie bags.
Brandon has donated what's left of his goodie bags from last year, I've added a few things to them and I'm hoping to get the bags that Doug has leftover from the first two Meets.
Waiting on a response from Rockauto for a gift card to give away.
I've been in touch with the guys from Cordova and there will be a special Eagle division this year. I don't want to give away the suprises in store... but I really hope most reconsider showing up. Especially if they/you have a really nice Eagle. This year will probably mark a yearly event at Cordova if things go over well. Several months ago we had alot of interest in the Meet this year so I really pushed for some cool stuff at Cordova and they made the arrangements... they only asked that we had enough Eagles show up to make the extra stuff worth the work. I'm confident that everything will go over smoothly and I'm really looking forward to it.
I've been working really hard on the yard for the campers. Getting the barn arranged for everyone and clearing out space for us to hang out and work on our Eagles. Trying to arrange the parts cars and clean up around them so that you guys can get to them easily and sort through parts with ease. I will be offering a substantial discount to all arrivals for any parts that want to buy while they're here.
Anyone that wishes to make a donation to Eagle Nest website can do so and send me the confirmation email and I will give them in-store credit towards anything for sale in the Sanctuary. All donations must be made to the Nest via the "donate" button BEFORE the Meet. All donations made to the Nest will recieve a 25/100 ratio that I'll match you on. Meaning that if you donate $100 to the Nest here, then you will have $125 credit for parts/labor when you arrive at the Meet (or to save and use at a future date). I'm really too poor to donate much of anything myself these days, but I can at least encourage others and offer my time/parts to help out. So take advantage while you can!
Just like last year, we will also offer a discount on the T-Shirts this year for pre-orders. Also, something to mention. This year, we are producing a significantly smaller number of shirts due to rising costs and lack of interest. So if you really want a shirt then you may really want to consider the pre-order - plus it saves you money!
Rest assured, everything is going good and I will post more details on these updates soon! Stay tuned!