My carbless kit comes w/ EVERYTHING but the carb. Custom C&C milled adapter (my design), base gasket, carb gasket, proper throttle linkage (down pull) w/ ball stud, mounting hardware for carb, intake hex bolts, throttle return spring, air cleaner stud, fuel inlet nozzle, instructions, instructions, instructions.... Shipped for $125
The kit I want to test is a newer version of the 2150. I have seen it used before but I have never personally used it and I have about 100 of them in the shiop on the shelf. I currently have almost 3000 cores ready to build.
I'm intrested in the knives. send me some info, my kid collects them. I'm verey intrested in an Eagle (hint hint) iof you knew a few others that needed a setup and between the 3 of you could come up w/ an eagle for me to play with.
Let me know...... It takes me a few days to build kit and ship the setups but I'm currently almost caught up w/ orders (rarely happens) I sell anywhere from 60-120 kits every month for the 258, 302, 360, 401 (99% for the 258)