I figured I'd make a post, just to remind everyone [especially with spring coming] BE SAFE!
Two owners of different performance shops around here have passed away because they didn't take an extra minute.
The first one had his car running in his garage with the door closed, and his wife found him unconscious.. I'm really surprised, he was an INCREDIBLY smart guy. Even if you are going to run the car for a minute, open the garage door or if you have an exhaust vent, use it.
I also just learned that a guy I went to highschool with's brother, who owns a performance shop was killed the other day, he wasn't using jack stands and the jack either slipped, or didn't hold pressure and the car came down ontop of him.
Just a reminder, use common sense and be safe!
and make sure to use safe equipment
About a month ago, one of the hydraulic lines blew on one of the hoists, and they didn't have the locks engaged, the car dropped straight to the ground. The locks sometimes stuck on, so the guy using it had actually bypassed the locks some time ago, and nobody noticed.
it only takes a few extra minutes, and it could save your life.