Now that you mention the diff...Im gonna check mine out very thoroughly while the engines out. The only lift I got access to is a floor jack and a couple of jack stands that job would be a nightmare!!
Im really curious as to what is causing that vibration!! Is caroline eating up tires any worse since this vibration started?
I sure hope you get that vibration resoled...Those things sure get the blood preassure up!!
I think the vibration is from the double slip joint in my rear driveshaft, which causes a wobble at certain frequencies. I haven't decided what to do about it yet, though I'm thinking of using a rubber pipe coupling and a few well placed hose clamps on the eagle part of the drive shaft and leave the slipyoke to do as it should, grand cherokee style. that should eliminate it. I've decided I also am getting rid of the poly trans bushings altogether and putting rubber under there, as there is still more vibration from the engine than I'd like, though it's not because of the engine.
I can't quite tell, she wears them perfectly evenly all around, and I mean perfectly. I've put 18k miles on her and rotated the tires once, and they all have almost exactly the same tread depth, except for the snow tire which is newer. And, she still needs an alignment and front end rebuild, bad.
If the recip vibration is still there, I'll know it's the front diff and I'll set aside a few hours at the shop to swap it out.