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Discontinued Inner Tie Rods - A Solution

Started by Ludworks, November 06, 2024, 10:46:16 AM

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I appreciate you trying the parts and clarifying that the inner tie rods need to be CW thread. The thread direction is where all the confusion stems from.

As far as potential replacements I've got good news and bad. First the bad. Mercedes tie rods do NOT fit. The taper is wrong. They are something like 1/10 instead of 1/8. The one I initially got from NAPA was opened and on close inspection turns out there was what looks like small rocks or metal debris stuck to the wide part of the tapered stud. Gave the illusion of a tight (if somewhat odd-feeling) hand fit. Imagine my surprise when I ordered a different brand only to find they didn't seem to fit at all. PSA: Don't trust "new" parts to be in good condition, always clean and inspect.

The good news is Suzuki Sidekick tie rods are perfect, almost. The taper is a perfect match, the only confirmed non-AMC part I've found that fits. The issue lies in the length. I'm still working through this. I need to order more parts, but it looks like Suzuki Jimny "FJ" tie rods might also fit and length wouldn't be an issue. Only problem is they weren't sold in the US or Canada (as far as I'm aware), so they're a bit harder to get.
The Eagle Store - Owner

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