Since my previous Q&A wasn’t getting any bites, I figured I’d just edit my new question over it.
I’ve got an ‘86 Wagon the power (vacuum) brakes. About half of the time I start her up they feel fine from the get-go, but about half the time I’ll get an annoying little issue.
Until I actually get to driving (i.e. until I leave my driveway, the parking lot, whatever slow area I’m in) the brake pedal has absolutely no resistance until I get about 3/4 of the way down and then BANG, they just about lock up. I’ve gotten mindful enough of it that I can manage driving it with this problem for as short a time as it lasts, but I still want to fix it.
Like I said, it only happens about half the time, and when it does happen it only lasts from the time I crank her to the time that I get her out onto the open road, maybe about 30 seconds max. From that point on the brakes feel normal and don’t develop that issue again until I shut her off, leave for a while, and come back to potentially start the whole process over again.
I’ve done a little searching and a little looking at the booster and master cylinder but still have no leads. Any ideas?