The passenger side took a little more work. But basically the same idea. Except the first time I fit the seat it was way too high and crooked. So I removed the inner eagle rail and bolted the track directly to the gm seat, this lowered the seat within a inch or so to the factory height, then I had to slide the seat to the leftside of the bracket to center the seat better.Overall it worked out pretty good. The gm seats are a good chioce because they have easily removable seat tracks, and the seat bottom is flat. Also it takes less than ten minutes to remove the seats from the gm doner car, just 2 bolts on the rear of each seat.If you get power seats from a gm car you will need a power source to power the seat forward to access the rear bolts, there usually covered in the normal driving position, not a issue with manual seats.I used manual 99 Malibu seats, I looked at late 90s impalas, saturns, buicks, olds, etc., they all were the same in the way they mounted to the oem car and how there seat tracks come off, just 4 half inch nuts.Edit I cut the eagle passenger seat frame out of the seat and welded the right side to my new bracket, left side is bolted like drivers seat.