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Author Topic: CeC Technical Info?  (Read 5868 times)

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Offline MIPS

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CeC Technical Info?
« on: May 12, 2019, 01:20:06 AM »
Before I dig too deep into how the 6-cylinder CeC worked, has anyone already documented the inner-workings of the computer and it's internally supporting electronics? Depotting one of these things can be done but I know better ways to spend an afternoon.

Offline amarshall

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Re: CeC Technical Info?
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2019, 03:22:58 PM »
Strange that this just popped up on another forum:

Maybe this is you, MIPS?  Either way, holy cow what a project to take on.  Reverse engineering the AMC CEC system...
Wanted:  More time to work on my Eagle!

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Offline MIPS

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Re: CeC Technical Info?
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2019, 08:06:15 PM »
Yes that is indeed me. I was on the fence what forum to start talking about this on and ended up going all-in on the AMC Forum

PLUS, as you saw I did post an article on yet another site where I better discussed how to depot and expose the inner workings of the computer.
Don't call me an expert but I'm doing what I can to find out precisely how the CeC works and what can be done to improve or completely replace it without requiring a complete overhaul if the harness and sensors.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2019, 08:07:34 PM by MIPS »

Offline MIPS

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Re: CeC Technical Info?
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2019, 12:22:45 AM »
I've been pretty busy the entire summer however I was able to get the complete "Super D" ECU system that shipped in Eagles from 1983 onwards. The one pictured below came out of an '87. The last year an Eagle shipped with the AMC name.

The same harness, but this time with 99% of the parts identified.

The ECU itself is still a Ford product but now with a new enclosure, connectors and board layout. This is so new I do not have any diagrams or documentation for it.

While it is a new PCB inside is neither potted or too far different from the previously pictured CeC. This is likely because so much of the harness and so many of the sensors have not really changed since the CeC. There are a lot of similar components. There is also a bit more going on but presumably it is additional control for the purce solenoid and knock sensor. I have however noticed that the part numbers on all the IC's do not cross-reference to their manufacturers. It is likely Ford had the various chip manufacturers print one of Ford's own part numbers on them. That way only ford or AMC could identify components as they had the cross-reference. For the rest of us we were out of luck.

Offline JMCwagon

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Re: CeC Technical Info?
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2021, 02:53:14 PM »
Wow this is cool!

I've currently got my CeC harness laying on the ground (super rat chewed). I'm on the fence as to rebuild it or to simply remove it perform the ECM Test bypass and use a non-computer carb. Awesome of AMC to have three separate wiring harnesses though! One for ignition and lighting what not, another for CEC, and another for cruise.


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