There she was on the local Craigslist, bad pictures and almost no information, a 1988 Eagle. What's that? as the wife asks. All I m doing is looking for a station wagon and this shows up, an Eagle. In a phone call I found where it was and that it had sit in the garage for the past 20 years or so, the gent that I was talking to knew nothing at all about the car except that the battery don't go with it! I stopped over in the morning to find a very straight body on an AMC Eagle, the paint looked faded but I looked close and thought it could be buff back to life, The interior was is great shape as well, only one door opened the front right, No key so what else could I do,
Researching on the net I found this site, lots of information and reading quickly, back over to the car look some more, all seemed to be original and intacted, under the car, under the hood it was all there, another call to the guy, no luck. Read some more and said why not take a chance at dealing, the price was listed as $1,200.
Called the guy once a gain, got though, he says that the girl friend knows more than him on cars. I go back for a meet of the girl friend, had her sh-t together. She had the auto running aired up the tires and invited me to try it. Ran well and the trans sounds good as well a 4 wheel drive was working, back brake line broke but front ones working than the exhuat system falls off and popping the hood water was spraying all over, just one of the cars you have to have.
You know the $1,200 is to much, she go's to $1,000 I say doors don't even open, she go's to $950 I say Brakes and Radiator she go's to $900 I say I got to get it home, she say's BF drives tow truck, I say maybe $800 she says ok, I say delivered, she calls BF he's on the way home with Flat Bed, I now own it, I think I may be in love!