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Broke a bolt (power steering belt)

Started by mental1896, September 26, 2013, 08:49:54 AM

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So I tried using a torque wrench for the first time last night. The manual said 33 ft lb and that's what I set it to, but then this happened. It was one of those ratchet style torque wrenches. I don't know if I did something wrong or if the bolt had already been abused. Anyhow, it was too late to get a new one and besides, I was unable to locate a part number for it. I found an eye bolt in the toolbox that was long enough and happened to match the threads. How long do you suppose this will hold up?

Also: does anyone know where I might find a replacement bolt?


You may have to go to a real nut and bolt store to find one the right length and grade.  Grade is important..  My manual also says 33#.  I am guessing the bolt was stressed too much in the past.
<a href="">Click for Toledo, IA Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150 [/url]  

Not a Jeep.  Not a Car.  Its an AMC Eagle!

1982 Eagle SX/4 Sport;
1980 Concord DL;
1970 Ambassador 2 Dr HT, SST
2002 Hyundai Santa Fe;
2008 Jeep Patriot Sport - Freedom Drive II


Thanks for the tip about grade. It seems it's a grade 5 (three radial lines). Using my ruler, it appears to be a 9/16"-18 Thread, 4-1/2" Length cap screw.

If I can't find one at the local shop, I may try these:


Yup, that would be a grade 5 bolt.  I thought that might be the case.  Do you mean the head is 9/16"?  You also need to know the diameter of the actual bolt.
<a href="">Click for Toledo, IA Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150 [/url]  

Not a Jeep.  Not a Car.  Its an AMC Eagle!

1982 Eagle SX/4 Sport;
1980 Concord DL;
1970 Ambassador 2 Dr HT, SST
2002 Hyundai Santa Fe;
2008 Jeep Patriot Sport - Freedom Drive II


The head is 9/16. The diameter is 3/8. I assumed the head size dictated the bolt diameter.


I was just at our ACE hardware store and they have the bolt you need.  It was a $1.49.  I figured it was a 3/8" bolt.
<a href="">Click for Toledo, IA Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150 [/url]  

Not a Jeep.  Not a Car.  Its an AMC Eagle!

1982 Eagle SX/4 Sport;
1980 Concord DL;
1970 Ambassador 2 Dr HT, SST
2002 Hyundai Santa Fe;
2008 Jeep Patriot Sport - Freedom Drive II


That's great news!

I realized I previously linked to the wrong bolt however. That was a 9/16" shaft diameter rather than 9/16" head size. Beginner's mistake. I hope ACE has this one:


Common mistake.  Don't worry about it.  That is why we have this forum.  To assist our brother and sister AMC owners keep our Kenosha Klassics on the road.
<a href="">Click for Toledo, IA Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150 [/url]  

Not a Jeep.  Not a Car.  Its an AMC Eagle!

1982 Eagle SX/4 Sport;
1980 Concord DL;
1970 Ambassador 2 Dr HT, SST
2002 Hyundai Santa Fe;
2008 Jeep Patriot Sport - Freedom Drive II


I test bolt diameters with an open end wrench set. Tightest fit is the size!
AMC/Jeep gauges are for amusement only. Any correlation between them and reality is purely coincidental!

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