My wife drove her '84 automatic/6 Eagle to work (about 35 miles). She phoned me saying it "wouldn't go" when in drive and was desperate because she travels between three different schools (at least on that day). So I drove to her, switched cars, and attempted to drive home. The engine sounded fine.
Sure enough it felt like the clutch was slipping--but it's an automatic. My thoughts went to transmission problems. After driving it about 5 miles, it died. I was able to get over to the berm and called for a tow. The tow truck driver detached the driveshaft and towed it to a mechanic. I should mention that it wouldn't hold when placed in park but wanted to roll, even after the driveshaft was reattached.
I got a call from the mechanic a couple hours later. He attempted to drive it forward and in reverse without success, but with a lot of tat-tat-tat sounds. He then put it in 4wd and drove away no problems. He put it back in 2wd and it drove just fine. He did not investigate it further.
Any ideas on what happened and why? My wife is leery of driving it now.
Medina, OH