It has been awhile since I removed the radio, but I think the procedure is as follows for a two stem radio.
Above the radio are two screws to be removed. Remove the knobs. Use a deep socket to remove the nuts on the shafts. Get the washers out as well.
Open the glove box and remove the screw at the bottom of the middle dash bezel. Leave it open.
Pull the ash tray out. Then remove the two screws at the front and the nut at the back. This will release the ash tray bracket. This needs to come out to get the bezel out.
On the left side by the hood release remove the screw over there holding in that side of the bezel.
Now get a small screw driver or other prying device and pry down where the screws came out above the radio. The bezel should bend down and the recesses for the screws should slide past the lip above them.
The center bezel should pull out till the lighter and rear defroster wiring stops you.
Unplug these and you should have access to the radio. You may need to remove the nut on the defroster switch instead of unplugging it. I can not remember.
For the stock radio I think it has a bracket on the back holding it in place.