Ive got the original 2 core, and its in sad shape, Ive patched it a few times and Ill admit its been patched about 5 times too many, I just dont trust it anymore. If I'm gonna replace it, Im upgrading, I tend to run hot in the summer, and I also tend to haul quite a bit on the trailer.
My problem is, Ive looked around, and checked a few prices, the only 3 core I could find was $450
OMG, I refuse to pay that much. I can get a 4 core for the ole monster bronco for $200 (too bad it wont fit) the best deal Ive found soo far is $200 for a 2 core replacement, even thats a bit high, for $200 it better be a 3 core at least.
So I'm curious if any of you bunch have retro fitted one from another, vehicle, for instance a 302 mustang 3 core? I am going to electric fan, so the shroud isn't an issue, mine broke anyways, and the auto is long gone, Im useing the tranny cooler as a steering cooler now, and I could easily go external with that. and I do have AC, although Im in serious need of a condenser as well.
At a guess, Id fugure good contenders would be Wranglers, older Kees. and CJ's, or even some of fords older ponies. as long as they dont hang below the crossmember where they will get bashed on a rock