Been gone for a few days, maybe a week? My OLD computer has been dead for a couple - 3? years. My "new" one (bought to replace the other one when it died) just died about a week ago, so I took the old one to the shop. I now have a "new" (to me) computer. First problem was one of my cats that likes to chew on stuff (especially plastic) had gotten to the power cord. Problem #1 solved, it turns on. They turn it on, up pops this message "Your computer encountered a problem". Well, it's in the right place. He says we have this one, same co. (I don't know from computer companies), has the CD/DVD (YES, I want that). We'll have to update your old one, it's an 8. We'll bring it up to a 10, then transfer it to the "new" one & update it to an 11. Okay, sold. Just got it this morning, had a guy I know come by & carry it in for me, then help hook it up. Got a BUNCHA stuff I don't know what it is. Do I need it? If not, how can I get rid of it? #1 - something called "co-pilot?, #2 - microsoft edge, #3 - microsoft store, #4 - outlook (new), & 5 - Microsoft teams. Turns out the "heart driver"(???) was going out on the old one. I know it was taking a long time to start.