Hey Team, i am getting ready to swap out my rear leaf's, does anyone have a good links\info\video that may help? do i have to remove the top shackle holder(rear) that bolts to the body to swap the springs? or can it be done just by removing the shackles? any info\tips\tricks would be appreciated
i have new hardware and bushings.
do one side at a time.
attach the rear shackle first, then line up the front eye, might be easier.
i have watched a few non eagle leaf swap videos.
there's not much in my Chilton's on the subject, vague at best.
Thank you
I haven't swapped them on an Eagle before but have done it on other cars. My biggest hurdle was that the front bolt became one with the sleeve in the bushing. I think the possible options to remove include a lot of heat to the bolt, or cutting off both ends.
Good luck, let us know how it turns out!
If you remove the outside shackle plate you may be able to remove the spring without dropping the shackle hanger but you will have to drop the front first.
The front bolts may be seized in the bushing sleeve and the best way to get them out is a reciprocating saw. Just be carefully no to cut the car or the leaf springs just the bolt.
When I took the springs out of my SX4 I had to remove the shackle hanger to get the shackle out of the car because one of the bolts broke.
If you need new shackles CJ7 shackles are the same design but not the same length. If I remember they are shorter than the Eagle ones.