I am going through the wiring and there are so many unused plugs, I am unsure what to do with it. My eagle is an 86 and she has a MSD distributor installed by PO. Problem is all the wiring is there but none of the switches are present i.e. vacuum, stepper motor, idle speed solenoids etc. Most of the computer wiring in the engine compartment appears unplugged. She runs without any of it, not very great though. what are my options regarding what to keep and what to remove? We are not even going to talk about all the vacuum stuff that has been removed as well. Any input will be helpful.
Pretty much all this is disconnected
This may help with both wiring and vacuum. https://oljeep.com/gw/elec/GW_wiring.html
First, a few questions. Is ECU bypassed? Three wires from distributor go directly to ignition box? Stock carb er no? Did you verify ignition timing and firing order? And make sure the vacuum advance (if your MSD has it) goes to a port where vacuum is not present at idle, only after the throttle is opened (port vacuum). Always have to check after recent work was done because as someone accurately put it, 'some previous owners should be drawn and quartered.' >:D
If the ECU is not working, I would start with a major vacuum line delete. Or as I like to call it, 'killing the octopus.' Take it all off and you get a basketball-sized mound of vacuum lines and tees. From this you can rig up the brake booster, vacuum advance, and 4WD right to the carb and intake manifold. No more questionable solenoids and miles of potential vacuum leaks. PCV, A/C controls and charcoal canister optional. PCV and canister might just be vacuum leaks without their control valves, or may need port vacuum. I haven't tried those yet. I would say keep the vacuum reservoir though for the 4WD.
If you want to clean up the wiring too, everything in your picture can be removed from the vehicle as one piece. Simply remove everything that goes to that harness under the blower motor; you may have to remove split looms and tape and do a little cutting to free it all from the rest of the vehicle. If you've got the stock carb with the stepper motor on the back, you're supposed to do something with its position, but I can't remember what. Fully retracted maybe?