Just agreed to buy another Eagle. Is something wrong with me? Looks pretty clean & solid from pics. Have to figure out when I'm gonna pick it up. It's in Wisc. & I'm in Misery. I'm sure my van will tow it, my big problem is getting someone to help me drive. 4 door sedan, can't post pics. here. U*(#W!@%#%^!(P@(& >:( >:( >:( :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored: COMPUTERS!!!!!!!! SIMILAR pics. on my spacebook page, "Other Eagles" album. ALMOST matches my wagon, but looks a little bit lighter (like the difference between beige & tan). The one I called 'Clever Eagle' (name of the town where it was) is the same color. The one in Wisc. is missing all the rust the one in Clever had. :)
Okay, I CAN post pics. HERE. A couple more here, didn't realize I had the other post started too!
I'll help you drive.
FINALLY, I've finally got my schedule figured out & plan to leave to pick it up Thurs. the 20th!! My "new" bird will be coming here. Gonna be all day for sure, mapquest CLAIMS 6½ hours to Madison (closest U-Haul I could find to the Eagle), ½ hour (estimated) to do paperwork & get the dolly, then ANOTHER ½ hour to the pick up point, ½ hour? maybe more to load it, & then 6 mapquest hours back here! Gonna be fun!!! Wish me luck, I have a feeling I'm gonna need it.
Sedans are nice, it very closely matches the wagon. A plus.
Why dolly it? Does it have the drive shafts removed? Wish I could help.
Good luck with bringing your new baby home!
Eaglefreek can give you some pointers on hauling an Eagle on a dolly. He towed Prafeston's SX/4 from Missouri to the Rambler Ranch, I think he said it got a little hairy when being passed by semi's!
I drug BlackBird up to the Pigg Pen years back with a dolly. I don't recall any hassles with it. Of course, that was 10 years ago, so my memory that was hazy to begin with ain't gotten no better!
Quote from: Taylor on May 14, 2021, 04:21:05 PM
Sedans are nice, it very closely matches the wagon. A plus.
Why dolly it? Does it have the drive shafts removed? Wish I could help.
Dolly is cheaper & easier than a trailer. Also less weight ON the van, most of it is still on the ground. A little on the dolly, but not like a trailer. I'm pulling it behind me instead of putting it on the van.
Well, I survived. My
ANTICIPATED 14 hour trip turned into 18½❗ :censored: :censored: Computer
CLAIMED 6- 6½ hours ONE WAY! Okay, some extra time for paperwork & loading, chow on the way back 14 hours, 15 wouldn't have shocked me.
EIGHTEEN AND A HALF stinking hours!!!!!!! We left at 6:00 A.M., we got back at 12:30 THIS MORNING!! Went to a little car show tonight & Leg just went off. I had to leave early. Here's Wisc. Eagle pics. VERY pleasantly surprised how clean & solid this is!
Super clean sedan! Looks like the 'Auto Armor' did its job. No Rusty Jones sticker? ;D
I was wondering if that was like Rusty Jones/Ziebart. I never heard of them before, does come up on google. Didn't really check it out.
Congrats on the new bird! She is a looker lol...they all are. The Eagle is such beefy looking car that its is so ugly its cool. I have never seen a sedan in real life. Mostly wagons and a few SX4's. I just purchased my "new to me" bird a month ago and am waiting to get out of a sling after my surgery so I can take good old Norma out for a spin, check her out on the "hatchlings" thread.
Just found this. I didn't realize I hadn't posted on this in OVER a year. Drug it back here & dropped it at the shop. $2,000.00 later it's inspected & ready to license so I can start driving it - NOT! Started driving on temporary plates. Alternator dried in the one of drive-through lanes at the credit union. I think (over a year ago, so I don't recall) I sat there 4, yes FOUR hours waiting for AAA to show up & haul it off to the shop (again). Alternator had locked up & wasted the belt too, $300.00 more I'm back on the road again. Yuge hassle getting it registered, finally decided to take a chance & try the Vermont thing I'd had suggested before. Have been driving it a couple weeks now with a Vermont plate & registered to me here. Guy I bought it from didn't put it in HIS name & the Dept. of Revenue (Misery's version of the DMV) wanted a NOTARIZED Bill of Sale. Registered owner (original owner even) was dead!!! They weren't gonna be signing ANYTHING!! Couple pics. of my birds. The one on dolly is when I dropped it at the shop for repair, one is here at the apartment complex, & one is after I moved them today to get the sedan closer to the door.