AMC Eagle Den Forum

General => AMC Eagles Den Meets => 2014 Eagle Meets => Topic started by: eaglefreek on August 11, 2014, 10:40:35 AM

Title: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: eaglefreek on August 11, 2014, 10:40:35 AM
Maybe the thread should be moved to this category, but I'll just post a link to the 2014 Eagle Motel trip planning.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: vangremlin on October 09, 2014, 12:04:23 PM
I wanted to start putting new posts in this thread since the Eagle Motel gathering is unofficially underway. 

I just got this picture from Eaglefreek.  That's his wagon, towing Prafeston's SX/4.  They are currently in Colby Kansas and reported they just saw Rmick in his SX/4 on the road!  More updates to follow, anybody that is in town can head out to the Rambler Ranch tomorrow (10/10) and look at all the great cars Terry has.

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Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Prafeston on October 09, 2014, 08:21:08 PM
We made it to the ranch around 2. Couple other people already there and Terry has graciously let me use his shop to work on my car.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: IowaEagle on October 09, 2014, 08:31:42 PM
Great!  Keep us up to date.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Prafeston on October 09, 2014, 08:48:57 PM
Us getting food in Limon. Wish I would have snapped a picture of rmick's car with ours but I only took video.

My car finally off the dolly!


We were both very relieved to have my car off of that dolly. We had some pretty sketchy tail wagging the dog moments. I was tensed up for probably 75% of the trip. Constantly checking the side mirror to check for any movement. We decided those double trailer trucks were causing most of the issues.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: IowaEagle on October 09, 2014, 09:11:57 PM
Dang!  Pix are not showing up for me.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Prafeston on October 09, 2014, 09:23:28 PM
Probably set to friends only on Facebook. Let me fix that.

Edit: figured it out. I had posted the wrong links.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: IowaEagle on October 09, 2014, 09:34:09 PM
There they are.   Thanks.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: eaglefreek on October 09, 2014, 09:57:17 PM
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Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Mernsy on October 09, 2014, 10:02:56 PM PPE, not even work boots. Be extra careful, ok?
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Amc1320 on October 09, 2014, 10:47:23 PM
Very cool sx4,

I really really really want a lift....
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: rmick on October 10, 2014, 12:02:28 AM
Photo op on the way to Eagle meet will see you all on Friday.
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image ( by rmick1 (, on Flickr
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: amcconcord on October 10, 2014, 03:30:44 AM
My last chat was with Doug on FB, on Wednesday the 8Th 2014, sent him a some photo's of my 1980 Two tone Brown 2 Dr Coop Eagle which I have not seen in 4 years, My wife and twin brother, took it from storage to inspection which it passed till 10/2016. I am the first owner of her, bought her in late 1979 from Adams American, Warren Ave, East Providence, RI for $8,297.99, with the AMC Body protection program of the time, it made to the island by ferry, which I took pictures of sent to Doug in Iowa, after Doug left FB, slept for a few hours, got behind the wheel with my wife Paula, crossed by Ferry to the mainland Rhode Island, on Thursday the 9Th of October 2014 at 11am est:, with laptop and my cables
we drove out of RI to CT to NY to NJ to Entering Pennsylvania, with one stop over, as only have been home from my Cancer treatment/Coma ordeal in Chicago, less then two weeks ago to take the trip 1086 miles Rt70 west, to Eagle Motel, 423 Manitou Ave, Manitou Springs, CO 80829, we are about to be on the move again in about one hour, though not Sanctioned by my doctors, I am feeling good still, wife still sleeping, The Eagle is Running Fine like a new cooper penny, has over 200 thousand miles on her Same everything in her since bought except oil, brakes and one clutch, she runs both on gasoline and CNG, has been easy to refill the CNG so far to NJ, as we go west now, we will see if how far we can keep going on CNG as far as filling stations, we do have a full 22 gallons of gasoline on hand, in factory tank, but so far have not used a single drop of gasoline, total cost of full thus far has been $14.85, that's for some 496 miles thus far, if all goes right I stay healthy and such, we should be there by Saturday October 11Th,2014 around 7.30am CO. time. Doug if you see or read this, can you post my car pic's in this section? See you all there soon I hope all goes well, as has been going so far! MSG for Doug, if you can PM me, Paula and I would like to visit you on return from CO. if it does not cause you or wife any problems? My total time behind wheel thus far in over a year is 11 hours.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Prafeston on October 10, 2014, 03:56:53 AM
Wow, what a surprise! Can't wait to meet you Ken. Safe travels!
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: eaglefreek on October 10, 2014, 09:16:44 AM
Wait, what?!!! That's awesome, Ken. Good luck and safe travels.  :eaglebig:
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: MudPuppy on October 10, 2014, 01:51:21 PM
I am enjoying the pics so far and it hasn't even begun  :hello2:
Wish I could be there but I look forward to all the pics and video's either here and/or on Facebook.

Ken- What a great surprise! Glad to see you and Paula are out and about enjoying our wonderful nations countryside in an Eagle! Please take care!!

Hope everyone has a ton of fun.... ah, who am I kidding I know y'all will lol.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: maddog on October 10, 2014, 08:07:29 PM
man I wish I could have been able to make it up there this year. I hope every one that who is going to this thing has a fun and safe trip. oh and if anybody is heading through Pueblo look me up i'm usually off work by 5pm.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: rollguy on October 11, 2014, 08:43:59 PM
We are at the Eagle Motel now, and Ken and Paula are not here yet.  I am a little concerned. If anyone knows how to get in touch with them, please give us an update.  I will try to post some photos after dinner......Rich
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: MudPuppy on October 12, 2014, 09:15:33 PM
Quote from: rollguy on October 11, 2014, 08:43:59 PM
We are at the Eagle Motel now, and Ken and Paula are not here yet.  I am a little concerned. If anyone knows how to get in touch with them, please give us an update.  I will try to post some photos after dinner......Rich

Any news on Ken?
I am normally the type that thinks "no news is good news" but in the case of Ken it is worrisome  :(
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: eaglefreek on October 12, 2014, 10:32:47 PM
I really hope Ken and Paula are ok. It would have been nice to see them. We met at the Ranch on Saturday morning. Terry had coffee and donuts waiting for us. There were 40 eagles total. I think 20 were Terry's and 20 were other Eagles owned by others. i didn't take many pics, but will share what I have. Others will add some when they get home.
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We left a little after 9 and headed for a place called Maguiarsville in Monument, CO. It is a private museum/collection of old stuff owned by a fantastic older gentleman. We toured his place and had a catered lunch. I didn't take any pics of the place but did take some when we were leaving.
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From there we took an hour and a half drive to Bishop's Castle in Florence, CO. I took a few pics of the drive there but didn't take any pics of the castle. You'll have to Google it.
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From there we went to the hotel and then to a German restaurant. I had a great time and glad I was able to make it.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: vangremlin on October 12, 2014, 10:45:30 PM
I'm glad you could make it too Eaglefreek!  Its always good to catch up with you. 

I took some pictures that I will upload over the next couple days.  Terry had someone assigned to full time photography and I know he got some great photos.  A great time was had by all!  Looking forward to doing it again in 2 years!
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: rmick on October 13, 2014, 01:08:07 AM
I would like to thank Terry and everyone involved for all the hard work that goes into making this event possible. :hello2: We had a GREAT time.  :) After leaving the group after breakfast Sunday we took our Eagle and did a little sight seeing on our own and decided to go up Pikes Peak made up to the 14 mile mark at about 12k feet before we came to the road closed and turned around and came back down. Made it back home to Kansas without a hiccup managed to rack up 1500 miles in 4 days.  Will post photos of the Rambler Ranch cruise later.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: vangremlin on October 13, 2014, 01:04:39 PM
Yes, thanks to Terry and everyone that worked on making this a success.  There were a whole bunch of folks out there on Friday getting everything ready!
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: rollguy on October 13, 2014, 09:26:20 PM
Quote from: vangremlin on October 13, 2014, 01:04:39 PM
Yes, thanks to Terry and everyone that worked on making this a success.  There were a whole bunch of folks out there on Friday getting everything ready!
Thanks here as well.  This event seems to get better each time.  Even though we all got to the hotel late, it was worth the time spent.  The castle was awesome, and yes I too have to google it to find out more about it.  I racked up about 2,000 miles getting there and back.  I drove Dave's (vangremlin) 2 door sedan, and him and his wife Sandy were in the Kammback.  Rafe (prafeston) drove one of Terry's cars, as his SX4 has a problem with the oil pump.  He will go and retrieve it at a later date.   We all had a great time, and can't wait to find out what is in store for us in two years!  I will also post some photos later....Rich
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: vangremlin on October 13, 2014, 11:58:17 PM
Here are a few photos.  One of the things we tried to decide as we were talking Eagles was if there were any two Eagles exactly the same on the cruise.  I believe we came to the conclusion that out of the 40+ Eagles, they were all unique!!

Eagles at the Eagle Motel.  Because we got to the motel late, not many photo opportunities, especially because people started leaving early on Sunday.  Eaglefreek had already left when I took this picture at 8 AM Sunday as he was on his way to Montana

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Rollguy in amongst the Eagles

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Spot the 3 Kammbacks in this photo

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My two Eagles at the Rambler Ranch, waiting to start the trip.  Rollguy was nice enough to drive my coupe so it could make the trip, and took excellent care of it.  We probably put on close to 400 miles on each car, even though I'm a local!

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Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: Prafeston on October 14, 2014, 07:26:16 PM
Here is the album where I have posted all my phone photos. I'll be posting more to it once I get the photos off my camera. Here are a few so far. Haven't looked at any of the GoPro footage yet.

Facebook Album. Should be viewable by anyone even if they don't have a Facebook account.















My Eagle for the cruise!

Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: rmick on October 14, 2014, 11:53:35 PM
Cant wait to see the GoPro images.
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: IowaEagle on October 16, 2014, 07:12:20 PM
I do not know if Ken told anybody here he was taking the trip to the Eagle hotel in CO.
To start Ken will be home tomorrow from the hospital, and is doing better they say.
I decided to take the trip with him, we took his first Eagle and our house trailer so we he could rest on the 30 something hour trip to CO.
We made it to the outskirts of ST Louis, the Eagle performed perfect no Eagle troubles, but one of the tires on the house trailer blew out.
We had a spare of correct size, we have AAA road service, but after 4 hours they did not respond and Ken got very impaitent, and after just being home from Chicago less then to weeks, he decided to change out the tire, I begged him not to but Ken is very stubburn, so I helped him best I could to change the tire, we got the blown one off and installed the good one, during the process of the change Ken started complaining of chest pain, we finished the change as he refused to stop, once fixed resting in the Eagle, Ken's pulse was reading 25 bpm, we rested and I started driving back home to RI, several times I tried to get him to local hospitals as we passed by them he refused to enter any of them so I drove non-stop back to RI and did get him into emergency room, he was addmitted ASAP
Ken has a Pace Maker and a Defiberlator under his skin one on each side of chest, the probe most likely during us changing the tire and using the lug wrench and manaul jack that connects his pace maker to the heart dislarged and failed to operate which caused the very low non-regular heart beat and very low bp. A new probe has been replaced in his chest and he came from critical care to better and good and now a expected release date of the 17 of September, all in good right now, but in case he told anybody he was going can you please post a version of this so they as in members do not think he dropped off the earth.
Thanks Paula
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: rollguy on October 16, 2014, 07:30:16 PM
Thanks Doug for the update.  You have to admit I was worried because of the lack of communication.  I am happy everything turned out good, and that Ken got the care he needed in time......Rich
Title: Re: 2014 Eagle Motel gathering
Post by: IowaEagle on October 16, 2014, 07:42:00 PM
I have shared with him that he should quit overdoing it.  We got to know our limitations.