Place current discount codes within this topic.
Good thru 3/2/2014
And here is another code, good through March 2
Good through March 9, 2014
Good through March 16, 2014
Got another one in today.
Expires on April 13, 2014
5% off
Rock Auto Discount Code:
MMAR614 until 4/30/2014 = 5%
Good through July 13, 2014
expires on August 10, 2014
and another
expires on August 17, 2014
Thank you to all who post here.
Expires 18 Sept 2014
anybody have the new discount code?
Expires 19 Nov 2014
Code as of 10/7/2014:
Expires 12/7/2014
RockAuto 5% discount code:
Expires 1/11/15
Discount code #MM2MJAN - 5% - Expires 2/28/2015
Does anyone have a current discount code for rockauto?
Found a code that expires 3/5/15: DE1E6B05409089
MMARH155 = 5% expires 4/30/15
3040073027870320 good to 14
3047310527932294 good till june 14th
3118825728551249 good till july 5
Quote from: flamingchariots on March 05, 2015, 01:06:49 PM
Does anyone have a current discount code for rockauto?
Yes I would like to know as well.
It seems I posted before reading the second page!. Anyway, I found it. Saved me almost $9!
happy to pass it on.
2959388026471108 -- good thru 5/17/2015
3042445927890665 -- good thru June 14, 2015
MMAY156 - good through 6/30
I think I got 5% off with mine, are there codes that give more discount? If so, please put the discount amount with the code. Thanks, Rich
5% is the standard rocak auto discount. I haven't seen more than that.
I could use a discount code if someone has seen a current one.
Here you go.
discount code expires on October 25, 2015
I could use a current code if someone has one to part with.
Use: 3825518134797157 until Jan. 17.
Thanks - I use them quite frequently & post them for others when I see them. I think others also see them but don't think of posting them.
4059683336877269 until March 27, 2016. :eagle:
Anyone have the newest one? I am buying parts today, and it would be cool to get a discount!
Here is one you can try. I just did an internet search to come up with this one, hopefully it works for you:
5% Discount Code:
The latest code is A80ABD129D1E79 and it expires 4/22/16.
RockAuto seems to update this thread on the Explorer Forum with the latest discount codes, which are shown at the TOP of the thread
**UPDATE** The Explorer forum no longer seems to have RockAuto codes available.
Thanks - I put that on my favorite list - I was about to ask if someone had a current code - lately I've been buying alot of stuff.
The latest: 4426247129374813 good till June 19
3399065127932294 good through September 4th
For lack of a different place I'll post this here. It concerns Harbor Freight discounts which many of us use. Recently they substituted a less expensive tool by $10 from what I ordered without my permission. They immediately lowered the price on the more expensive one on their webpage by $10 to equal the less expensive one. I was told my discount = the new lower price. I said no - I wanted the lower price first & then the discount applied to that. We finally agreed on that but only if I could give the discount code I used. I usually don't keep them but did have this one. The person assisting me wouldn't give me the number I used & insisted that I give it. Just a thought to keep those numbers until you're satisfied with the product/billing etc.
Check out this website, you should be able to get up to date codes for RockAuto, I just got one there that worked on my order.
New code
Good through Nov 26, 2017
7070147059054270 expires 12/10/17
Just got this one today
good until 3/15/20 #12796148987456435
If anyone is still using them here's one good until 4/5/20 = 12936265287456435