Really enjoying the Eagle again after sitting for 3 years she is again my daily driver! I get so many comments everywhere I go and its not uncommon to see cell phones sticking out of windows as passers by take pictures.
Plus, its really a LOT of fun to drive
Wanted to thank all the people here on the nest for all the help, whether you answered a question directly or I just read tips and advice on old posts, this place has helped me so much to get her back on the road where she belongs.
Individually I would like to thank EagleFreek for the hitch, it allowed me to sell my truck and use my Eagle for those odd jobs of hauling stuff from time to time. Below is a pic of me hauling a load of junk to the dump.
Also thanks to Vangremlin who has helped me with a couple of parts I had been looking for a long time with no luck, see pic of new "front edge of hood peice" (or whatever its called)
Almost forgot GRONK and his awesome carb set up, starts right up, runs strong and doesnt die at stop signs anymore!!
Awesome, glad the hitch worked out for you. I like driving something that is a departure from the norm.
You're welcome, and its not surprising to hear your getting a lot of compliments on that awesome wagon!
THANK YOU for sharing that great looking car with us, and doing such a great job of restoring it. I see an Eagle of the month nomination in it's future!