Me and the wife were watching Wierd Science tonight...That 1980's John Hughes flick. Michael Anthony Halls parents drove a blue Concord. Wife got pretty mad when I stopped the movie to take a picture...LOL(
In an episode of Bones, the Asst. Atty General has a yellow Gremlin. Booth borrows it and then it gets hit in the front end. The Gremlin looked to nice to be crunched, hopefully they used special effects. There should be a statement on all shows with AMC products, especially, newly produced shows. "No AMC cars were harmed during the filming of this show."
LoL...Id sure feel alot better if they did. We can be like P.E.T.A...People for the ethical treatment of Amc's :amc:
P.E.T.AMC or
P.E.T.AMCs or?
Hey it's my car!!!! :o :o :o
Now I can say I drive a car from a movie! ;D ;D ;D
I think Id got with the P.E.T.AMC's....covers a broader spectrum....We could do protests :cussing: outside salvage yards when ther'yre sending one with useable parts to the
We already have a topic, "AMC's in the Media", and that one on weird science was mentioned. ( Third post down.
Any movie, tv show featuring AMC's, is there. Have a look.
Apparently it's been quite awhile since I last saw Weird Science... I didn't even remember the Concord. :banghead:
I totally and vividly remember Kelly LeBrock, though... >:D
Saw a trailer for the new Pixar CARS 2 movie coming out and there's a rocket launcer armed Gremlin in the movie. I told my wife, I want THAT Gremlin. ;D
Quote from: shanebo on March 06, 2011, 11:38:07 PM
I think Id got with the P.E.T.AMC's....covers a broader spectrum....We could do protests :cussing: outside salvage yards when ther'yre sending one with useable parts to the
OMG, what a great idea!!
Yes, I think most men remember Kelly LeBrock in that movie. I know I do.