AMC Eagle Den Forum

Eagle Gallery => AMC Eagles by State/Province/Country => Topic started by: monsterbronc on February 14, 2009, 10:17:52 AM

Post by: monsterbronc on February 14, 2009, 10:17:52 AM
Guess Im one of the olny ones round these parts,(1 of 2) that explanes why I never see any others.


I just surfed through photobucket and posted what I had, couldnt find anything MO specific, not much round here other than feilds and bits of forest
Post by: thetrueb1 on February 14, 2009, 10:49:11 AM
I love the engine hoist...  To bad you had to kick some kids off of their playset.  LOL   ;D
Thats RM for you.
Post by: monsterbronc on February 14, 2009, 12:19:34 PM
When I built the playset, I specificly had engine hoist in mind  ;) .  but now I have a garage, and its set up for it
Post by: jim on February 14, 2009, 03:48:28 PM
I'm impressed by the mud dogging pictures.
What is the story on the right front fender?
Post by: pLaYtHiNg on February 14, 2009, 04:32:03 PM
I was thinking the same thing about the fender...  very unusual!

Were you stuck in the mud??  PT would have had a hissy fit!   ::)
Post by: jim on February 14, 2009, 08:05:28 PM
"PT would have had a hissy fit!"
Love it!  I haven't heard that in a long time.
Post by: wheatenheimer on February 15, 2009, 12:12:37 AM
Vincent, we're twin's!!!!!!!  Sorry for the the Arnold quote!  Hey man, I don't know what part of Missouri your from, but I'm nestled in down in Springpatch!  Great looking Eagle!!!  Give me a shout!

Post by: monsterbronc on February 15, 2009, 01:32:13 PM
Im in Orrick, 25 miles east of KC, north of the river, Im originally from CO. but got married and followed the gal out here. (someday we will go back west, AZ we hope)

the RF fender was the result of catching some Z's on 23'rd ST in independance on the way home from work in the AM. I woke up to brake lights, and BANG. I hit an O-rielly parts driver turning into his parking lot at about 35 mph. lost all the plastic bits and munched the fender and bumper support. but it crinkled thr rangers LR bedside all the way to the cab. (ruined a perfectly good nap LOL)

the LR flare came off when I lost the tire tread at 90 mph on a road trip in colorado.

the first mud pic Isnt mus, Its QIUCKSAND ;D it didnt look all that wet, in fact there were some tire tracks on top of it, then I sunk up to her belly. Stuck? depends on what you call stuck. I got out without help, so I was "Temporarily Detained"(I brought a Come-a-long)
the second mud pic, it was deeper than I tuought, and Ibottomed out the skidplate on the dry part, but I backed out of it.

wheatenheimer, yours looks alot like mine, even the pinstripe, but way nicer.(Mines been a bit distressed) yours appears to have a lighter shade across the bottom though,  does yours have that awful baby poo carrot intirior too?  :P I think yours is newer, 87?, Mines an 81. and judging by your name, Do you homebrew?

Post by: jim on February 15, 2009, 04:09:21 PM
"the LR flare came off when I lost the tire tread at 90 mph on a road trip in colorado."
90?  Wow!
Post by: wheatenheimer on February 16, 2009, 04:09:54 PM
Ouch!  You gotta watch those O'Reilly trucks! Awesome pic's!  Yep, mine's an '86 and yes, it has the baby poo carrot interior as well!  LOL.....I read this and I had to go outside and look at my interior and I said to myself......."it really does look like baby poo!"

I have tried to home brew in the past and it did not come out too well.  I tried a dark ale one time that I dubbed the "sip and twitch"...... it was just awful!  But, I am quite the connoisseur of other brewers talents!

What part of Colorado are you from?  I used to live in the Springs.

Give me a shout if you are ever down this way!

Post by: jim on February 16, 2009, 08:27:20 PM
Is this what you are calling baby poo yellow?
If so maybe we can agree to disagree about the term.
Of course, we are all entitled to our opinions.

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Post by: milliard431 on February 16, 2009, 08:33:43 PM
Hey Jim, did youbeat up Grandma to steel an Eagle with a interior like that, LOOKIN SWEET!, Uh oh, the Vulture in me is coming out,
Post by: jim on February 16, 2009, 08:39:28 PM
The interior makes up for other things.  I don't show pictures of underneath.
The interior is mainly what sold it to me.
We did put in a headliner.  It came with bare metal overhead.
Post by: monsterbronc on February 16, 2009, 08:51:10 PM
I lived in Durango for a bit, then bounced around San Louis Vally in a camper for 2 years, then came here. If Im ever down that way Im sure to say hi.

No jim, yours is the Tan (it looks like anyway) My BIL Kammy has that color, and its not too bad, Mine is a cross between light brown and bright orange  ::) , almost like pumpkin pie, but not. (pumpkin pie is sort of warm and homely, this is kinda "Disco Fad". :P If it were all shag, with a disco ball for a dome light, Hmmmmmm...)

as for doing 90, It was downhill, wide open.
Post by: milliard431 on February 16, 2009, 08:54:47 PM
Post by: Island Mike on February 16, 2009, 09:05:41 PM
My car has a maroon interior, except for the front floor from the drivers side to the passenger side, including the console area.

There it has faded to the color you all are describing.
Post by: Doruntrus on May 21, 2009, 11:54:20 PM
I live in Missouri, near a little town called Buffalo. Those are some wicked awesome mudding pics! I've almost got my Eagle back on the road, hopefully next week. Just need to fix the brakes... I hate to say it jim, but that is a nasty looking interior color. Guess it's just personal taste. :)
Post by: MudPuppy on May 25, 2009, 01:20:07 PM
Jim - your 88 has the same color interior as my 87....I call it "peanut-butter" interior.
I am NOT fond of this color myself...reminds me of the car my step-grandma gave me
when I was 10 years old, a faded yellow Mercury Zephyr with 'peanut-butter' interior.
I never liked that car  ;D!
AWESOME mud pics by-the-way!
Post by: COLO-MTNMAN on June 04, 2009, 09:29:53 PM
Hi monsterbronc, I just found this sight,(found it by googling your name monsterbronc) Great photos,  have you found any places to play around KC ? Seen the photos of monsters tipover, did you tell them that you drove it home to Colorado after that? Don't know how often you read these posts, I was just curious if you ever  let anyone know that your father taught you about off roading in the red rocks of southern Utah, and the west deserts of central Utah?   
Post by: monsterbronc on June 12, 2009, 09:34:41 PM
I found a place called Potawotomi off road park, east of Fulton Mo. But its no comparison to the mountains and deserts I grew up in.
I believe there has been mention of running the red rocks with my father, in fact I grew up crusin the desert trails with him my whole childhood. looking for old ghost towns and mines, there are many places I plan to take my kids, House Mtn. for example, you wind up through an ancient cedar forest (ever seen a cedar tree with a 5 foot thick trunk? I would guess the 100 year old maples in my front yard are seedlings compared to these things)to the top where there is a drop off, and one of the best bits of scenery Ive ever seen.and best of all, with all the remote places wev'e been, your truly ALONE.

I also spent ALOT of time in the Moab/Canyonlands area In Utah. Thats where Monster got tipped, but having grew up with it, I was prepared for the worst. Sadly I hear alot of things have been closed down in the Moab area. I recently heard you can no longer Hike to delicate arch and several famous off road trails are shut down. I Know the "Lions Back" got closed.

Me and my wife got married in Colorado, under the trees in a clearing up in the mountains, It may have burned in recent fires. but it just shows how outdoorsy I really am 
thers alot of good trails in Colorado, My dad even took us and a STOCK 96 bronco over the Black Bear Road, no problems. theres alot of abandoned logging/ mine towns all over colorado and utah to find.

Funny thing is, the eagle is the only vehicle I had to modify to do this stuff, and even then its got close to the same ground clearence as the Bronc now. All the severe off road camping/ rock crawlin we did back then was all in Mostly STOCK vehicles, in fact the only suspention mod I did to the bronc was a set of 3/4 ton leafs in the back for haulin, and that probobly actually reduces my travel, but never had a problem.

now that I think about it, including growing up, and my own wheelin, Ive wheeled in Nevada, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Missouri, and possibly California, Idaho, and Wyoming. But I was really young then And Having written this I have to say I really really miss it, and being here in Mo has given me a sort of "cabin fever" and its driving me insane. I have to move back west, eventually.

now I just have to figure out who Colo-Mtnman is???? I think I know.
Post by: Pat on March 10, 2010, 08:37:41 PM
Don't think I've put pictures of mine here yet. Might as well put them in here too. Guess that's okay. Nothing new, just another place to put them.

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Title: Re: MISSOURI-USA- Springfield!
Post by: j2sax on March 25, 2010, 02:48:41 AM
OK, I need to update the AVAtar and get some pics up... OK, fine, I will  get a P-bucket site! 

I live just So of Springfield... getting an 88 Eagle Wag this week and have 3 SX4's, 2 Kammsters and numerous FSJ's and AMC's.  We need to coordiate for some trail runs or car shows soon! 

Feel free to e m at [email protected]

Post by: fulsizjeep on March 25, 2010, 08:20:43 AM
Hi Jesse, first time I noticed you here too.  Sounds like you are getting quite the stash of Eagles and FSJs going there.   8)
Post by: jim on March 25, 2010, 01:18:42 PM
j2sax, south of Springfield sounds like maybe Branson area.
There has been talk of a gathering in south MO or northwest AR.
Chantel is near Russellville, and Iowa Eagle needs to make a trip to nw AR.
We have members in central AR and north AR.
Someone mentioned Eureka Springs, and
there is a car museum on Petit Jean Mountain.  it has the Winthrop Rockefeller collection.
Post by: Pat on March 25, 2010, 02:08:13 PM
Quote from: jim on March 25, 2010, 01:18:42 PM
j2sax, south of Springfield sounds like maybe Branson area.
There has been talk of a gathering in south MO or northwest AR.
Chantel is near Russellville, and Iowa Eagle needs to make a trip to nw AR.
We have members in central AR and north AR.
Someone mentioned Eureka Springs, and
there is a car museum on Petit Jean Mountain.  it has the Winthrop Rockefeller collection.

Not near your neck of the woods, Fulton, Mo. ( near jct. of I-70 & U.S. Hwy. 54, little south of I-70 ) they have a car museum. Never been in, have seen it driving by on field trips. If anybody ever does a Central Mo. meet, might be worth checking out.
Post by: BAD-BIRD on March 25, 2010, 03:47:50 PM
I also am from SE  Mo! I lve just south of Cape Girardeau, Mo! A southern Mo or Northern Ar would be a great gathering!
Post by: j2sax on March 26, 2010, 12:18:18 AM
HOw about this?, the Southwest MO Off Road Ranch.  It's a great place to wheel and gather.  It'd be fun having a bunch of Eagles and Eaglets show up to let them see what we can do! 

Some really easy trails and some challenging ones... could bring the big Wag as well and take turns out in the rougher stuff... good campsites, showers, etc... 

Check out the website, but let's DO something around here! 

Post by: cj71983 on March 26, 2010, 03:39:01 AM
Quote from: 1OldFordMan on March 10, 2010, 08:37:41 PM
Don't think I've put pictures of mine here yet. Might as well put them in here too. Guess that's okay. Nothing new, just another place to put them.

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lmfao! wow thats all i'm gonna say!
Post by: monsterbronc on March 26, 2010, 01:42:17 PM
Yes, Yes, Yes, we need to DO something around here, Im going through severe Off road withdrawls, even curbs and sandpiles look appealing at this point....
Post by: j2sax on March 26, 2010, 05:29:38 PM
So, Full Size Jeep... where you located?   I live just outside of SParta, MO. 

up to 21 vehicles now, but need to get some scrapping done QUICKLY!  I am WAAAYYY over the limit of my wife and neighbors! 

feel free to e me here or at [email protected].  Hopefully I will have the 2 post setup in my shop soon enough... if your close maybe we can get some wrenching in!
Have a great weekend,

Post by: jim on March 26, 2010, 07:46:01 PM
My Eagles are stock, and I rely on them for daily driving, so I would be up for very easy trails only.
Would they enforce the tow hook rule on the easiest trails?
Post by: monsterbronc on April 13, 2010, 10:31:05 AM
Ive been wheelin for 30 years and never heard of a tow hook rule.  ???  or is this a club or park rule?  truthfully, till I moved to MO I have NEVER paied to go wheelin.
Post by: jim on April 13, 2010, 01:16:55 PM
I've never been to a park, but I have seen on more than one web site that they require tow hooks and
they must be bolted, no welded.
I expect that someone with experience will tell us more.
Post by: monsterbronc on April 13, 2010, 09:28:56 PM
HMMMMM? the broncs got hooks, but they're welded. but truthfully they've never been used in my recovery, in fact they're only on the rear bumper, and Ive used them plenty of times to drag people out of the snow. I know the welds are strong, I wonder what they have against welded hooks? truthfully if they're gonna get all snotty about little things like recovery hooks, then Ill wheel elsewhere.
Post by: monsterbronc on April 13, 2010, 09:32:14 PM
Now that I think about it, I don't need recovery hooks, Ive got hitch receivers front and rear, so hooks are redundant. I do want some big D rings on the front though.
Post by: jamesdel on June 04, 2011, 04:11:55 PM
OK I know the picture isn't great but it is the best I ca do for now . 1982 eagle wagon One owner 105000 . just put some new goodyear tires on her last night . I now have more money in it then I paid for her , but then again i don't guess $550 is very much for a running , drive it home 4 wheel drive . hope this works .
Post by: Pat on June 04, 2011, 04:27:41 PM
Nice wagon & for $550 dive it home, I'd say you did real good. Mine was more than that & used a case & half of oil driving home from Okla. Knew it had an oil leak when I bought it, just didn't realize it was that bad. Welcome to The Nest, bunch of great folks on here.
Post by: jamesdel on June 04, 2011, 05:23:02 PM
 Thanks for the welcome ,
Just got new tires put on her and finished the tune up . took her for the maiden voyage last night .Dang I love this car !!!!!
Post by: Prafeston on September 07, 2011, 01:13:23 PM

What a great snag for 550!

Just wanted to come in here and say hi to all my follow MO Eagle lovers.

I was also wanting to take a look at an Eagle this weekend and was curious if there would be anyone local that had some knowledge of the Eagle that could come along with me. The car is in Bourbon, between Rolla and STL on I-44. Here is the thread I started asking if it was a decent deal.
Post by: Prafeston on February 22, 2012, 12:30:09 AM
MO Eagle Freaks! Where you guys be at?

Apparently there is a little AMC get together this Thursday at 6:30 at Growlers in STL. More details in the Meet section.

I just thought we should get this thread going again. I'd like to figure out who our current MO Eaglers are.
Post by: Pat on February 22, 2012, 01:50:09 PM
Unfortunately, I'm no longer in Misery or I'd have probably been there (even without my Eagle).
Post by: Prafeston on February 22, 2012, 01:52:14 PM
I heard the sad news. Wish I could have met ya before you moved up north. Say hi if you make it back this way ever.
Post by: Pat on February 22, 2012, 04:32:37 PM
Will do. You weren't all that far off from where I was. I was in O'Fallon (St. Charles county). Would've been nice to meet another Nester in person. Only met a few, for the most part, a great bunch of people (even if they are all young'uns). Be nice to find someone else in my neck of the woods. Have heard there's someone on the eastern side of the state I'm in now, probably 2 - 3 hour drive.
Post by: Prafeston on February 22, 2012, 04:56:19 PM
Yeah, I'm only 26.

I've never been to O'Fallen, MO, but I love their Hemp Hop Rye Beer. So good.
Post by: Prafeston on February 23, 2012, 08:52:10 AM
Last chance to let the Missouri-St. Louis area people know about the meet tonight at 6:30. Hope I'm not the only Eagle there!
Post by: monsterbronc on February 24, 2012, 05:29:44 PM
sorry, didnt get the message till now. couldn't make it anyways, Im not sure i would make it on 5 cylinders.
Post by: j2sax on February 25, 2012, 02:55:38 AM
Well, you could always bring up whatever your daily driver is next time!  Good time was had by all. 

Have a great weekend,

Post by: Still Pat on September 30, 2020, 05:37:43 PM
WOW!! This post died off. I got lost back sometime after The Nest became The Den. Have had 2 Eagles since BlackBird (R. I. P.). It was sitting at a friend's house. His mechanic was gonna fix the horn so it'd pass inspection. Got rear-ended & totaled :censored:. Bought White Eagle as a replacement, took it in for inspection & the entire front sub-frame was rotted away. Strike 2 :censored: :censored:! Then bought & am still driving Brandon's wagon ('83 Eagle) :). Don't know if he ever managed to get back on here or not. He said something about losing his Nest account (or something). I give him a hard time about being a young'un, but he kept that Eagle in great shape! Leg & weather willing, I'm gonna go look at a sedan to match my wagon Sat. Lemme see if I can post a couple pics. (nothing on the sedan, yet. Hope to get some Sat.). "Saved as" a couple pics. a friend took of that sedan so I could post them here.
Post by: Taylor on September 30, 2020, 06:00:53 PM
That rust under the vinyl top just behind the opera window looks like it could be real bad.
Is that the sedan you are going to look at for a possible purchase?
Post by: Still Pat on September 30, 2020, 06:18:55 PM
Yep, POSSIBLE being the key word! ;D Depends what I see when I get there.
Post by: Still Pat on October 03, 2020, 07:17:20 PM
I went, I saw, I passed! Too much rust for me. Frame looked good, but that top didn't!
Post by: Still Pat on June 21, 2021, 09:08:12 AM
Guess I never posted in this section. Before I forget, Wheatenhiemer, I've seen a lot that color. Seems to have been popular (at least w/AMC). Yours looks nice. I forgot to post an update here in the Misery section, about a month ago, I went from here (near St. Louis) up to Wisc. (little bit west of Madison) & drug back what is #6 for me during my lifetime. Picked up an '84 sedan (4 door) that ALMOST matches my wagon. Bottom color is a little bit darker color. CURRENTLY in the shop awaiting tires (DUE tomorrow). Then, as far as I know, it'll pass inspection & I can get plates on it & drive it (legally). Pretty decent shape, good companion for my wagon.
Post by: Still Pat on August 05, 2022, 11:44:24 PM
Posted in a different section, I DID buy the Wisc. sedan. 72,xxx ACTUAL miles!!!! Rides & runs great. Still have to put some miles on it, just puttered around local here.
Post by: Still Pat on March 13, 2023, 09:23:22 PM
Anybody here from/near the Berkley Springs W. Va. area with a similar wagon? One of my classmates "tagged" me in a pic. of it. Can't imagine WHY??? ;D