AMC Eagle Den Forum

The Shop => Suspension, Steering, Brakes, Wheels & Tires => Topic started by: Gil-SX4 on May 29, 2004, 01:26:17 AM

Title: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on May 29, 2004, 01:26:17 AM
Take those blocks of the rear right now and go out and buy some Rancho Add-A-Leaf or any other brand.
Blocks are a cheap way that the lift manufacturers use to make money out of us.
Blocks are dangerous front and rear. They apply to much torque to the spring and whit the fulcrum they increase the pressure apply to the leaf spring. The point at which the differential bolt on to the spring is were all that power from the engine and the suspension is coming together.
In the long run the leaf springs will start looking like a roller-coaster.
One of the best things for a lift on leaf springs is and Add-A-Lift for any thing more than 1"1/2.
For a higher lift go to a leaf spring package, the lift from them is a lot higher than the Add-A-Leaf. They will make for a much harder ride.
Then there are the longer spring shackles which to my way of thinking more then a 2" lift and the body will start to sway and fish tail to much. If you do go with longer shackles get some heavy duty ones one piece and use some type of polyurethane bushings (I swear by polyurethane bushings there all most for life)
You can always set up a combination of shackles and add-a-lift or spring package.
And don't forget to put an angle wedge between the differential spring plate and the spring base to give it a bit of angle to help keep the U-Joint angle from being to steep.
The ultimate lift is going to a spring coil or better yet an air suspension but since there are no kits made for the AMC Eagle you will need to make and pick your own parts from other kits and see what works.
Some people think that air shocks will lift the vehicle but not really what they do is assist the springs and raise it to a level position when there is a heavy load on the car. If used to lift the vehicle they will soon wear out and be of no help to absorb the road socks.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Spudz76 on October 26, 2004, 03:48:58 PM
Also of note on this subject, don't install a lift to compensate for saggy springs, all that will do is bend them even more 'backwards' and they will break eventually.  Cheap springs can be had from ESPO ( ($120 a pair) and there is no excuse for not replacing them if they already look 'flat' or even worse.

Though I personally ordered a set from them which was arched +1.5" from stock (extra charge), and they flattened out to stock within months, so I don't know about their custom arching procedures (you're supposed to heat them to cherry, bend them, and then let them cool - as far as I know... I think they bend them without heating thus they had a static 1.5" gain when I got them but once weight was on them for a little while they went back to their "memorized" position which was stock).
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: admin on November 17, 2004, 02:17:43 AM
Thanks for the heads up on thier lifted springs spudz and thanks for all your info Gil!!
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on November 17, 2004, 02:26:32 AM
We will sent you the bill for the service
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: pony lover on March 14, 2005, 08:36:39 AM
Thanks!! I've been contemplating all of the above. Add A Leaf sounds like the best solution. Part numbers anyone ?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on March 14, 2005, 02:07:32 PM
I dont have one but all you need to do is mesure the with of the spring leag I think off hand its 2" an take that messure ment to any 4x4 parts store and askle for a Add A Leaf for a 2 " spring leaf. The lenth dosent matter.
You can allso use one that is a bit smaler not much but just a bit.
Since you habe to take the hole spring leafs I recomend changing all the bushings and hardware, soave on labor down the road. Specially if you use energizer bushings or any other brand of polyhuratane bushings.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Thomas on May 14, 2006, 11:29:55 PM
With a rear spring lift, ie new leaf sprins that are higher than oem or oem leafs with helper spring, what did you do for  longer shocks?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on May 14, 2006, 11:52:29 PM
You just need to measure the distance from the shock mounting points.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Hokie Eagle on May 20, 2006, 10:29:32 PM
Anyone havce a part number for shocks for a 2" lift?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on May 21, 2006, 12:56:51 AM
There isn't any, unless some one just did a 2 inch lift and save the part numbers of the ones he used.
Just do like I said or take it to a 4 wheel shop and they will tell you. They will provably try to sell you some KYB or some Rancho shocks witch are not bad at all.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: siguy8 on May 24, 2006, 07:20:35 PM
Does anyone have a good pic of the Add-A-Leaf things once they're in? I am wondering what they look like. Thanks.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: IowaEagle on May 24, 2006, 07:32:02 PM
Scroll down in this thread to see Gil's set up.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: eagle88 on May 24, 2006, 09:56:06 PM

here is the one I used.  It can be seen on the bottom of the spring.  Payed less than 30.00 for it and gave me almost 3 in of lift.  Before that my tires rode inside the wheel wells, and would rub when hitting bumps.  It raised it up to just about stock height.  The rear end is stiff also, can hardly bounce it.

I don't have a manufactorer name, was labeled has a 2000 pound helper spring for pickups.  Bought it at the farm and fleet here in wisconsin
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: IowaEagle on May 24, 2006, 10:09:56 PM
So does it come with all the mounting hardware?   If I am looking at it right it has its own U-Bolt and plate.  Is it also bolted at the other end?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: eagle88 on May 24, 2006, 10:22:26 PM
it came with all the hardware.  I had to drop the axle from the springs and slide it in between the axle and the springs, has a hole for the locater dowel.  I probably should have replaced the dowel, only half of what went into the axle mount plate was left to lock it into place.  then there were the two u-bolts for right nest to the axle the ends ride free so that they can slide a little bit
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: IowaEagle on May 24, 2006, 10:31:29 PM
OK -- now I have a better picture of how it goes together.  Thanks much.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: philotomy on June 14, 2006, 07:38:06 PM
Yup I have those Nasty blocks ,and some add a leaf helpers,my shocks also have2 (on each) mr gasket spacers,and some aftermarket shakles UGH.this will all change soon as I can afford
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Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: philotomy on July 02, 2006, 11:25:31 AM
I grabbed acouple more pix of the rear blocks and helper spring set up .When I redo all this its coming down  at least 3 inches (thats the size of the blocks) , keep  the helpers (clean em up)and the shackles..get new stock springs and bushings, a wedge,new u bolts etc.and take out the shock spacer( or both) on each shock;lower the spring mounting in the rear shackle to 1 1/2 inches above stock and put the rest back together and hope to end up with maybe a 2 inch lift or so in the back.yes im lowering it ::)
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Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Hokie Eagle on August 04, 2006, 01:21:30 PM
philotomy...  I noticed those shocks seem to be the KYB GR-2s.  Are those the ones they list for the Eagle? (part number 343149)?  I just read that you have the Mr. gasked spacers.  Are those the ones  that lengthen the studs?  If you use those, I assume you also have to have some sort of rubber bushing around it?

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: philotomy on August 07, 2006, 08:44:29 PM
Yup, you are quite correct.Went to advance auto and asked what they had and chose those ,when they were installed the mechanic just attached them to the stud "lengtheners".
I love em ;DThere are rubber cushions where they meet the body but look kinda cruddy
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Hokie Eagle on August 09, 2006, 11:29:13 PM
Anyone have to use stud lengtheners/spacers when doing just and add-a-leaf lift?  Or did folks just get by without them for the 2 inches?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: philotomy on August 14, 2006, 05:55:50 PM
I plan on keeping one set on each side with the helper springs just so they're not topping out all the time.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on August 14, 2006, 11:35:58 PM
I used them when I first lifted my AMc Eagle SX/4, about the only problem was installing the shocks with the extenssions on but once you get over that no big proble.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: blistovmhz on November 17, 2006, 07:12:40 PM
My rear passenger leaf snapped.
I should be able to bolt on any 2.5" wide x 53" long leaf yes?
I was thinking of finding something on an old Jeep, 5" depth, and add one more leaf. (My eagle takes a serious beating)
This should all just bolt on yes?
What do poly bushings run rougly?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: eagle88 on November 17, 2006, 09:07:35 PM
can get them new from espo
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Bird-o-Prey on November 18, 2006, 12:39:50 AM
I have a 1980 sport I am using for a parts car.  Could I use one of the leafs from this car to add lift if I added it to my springs on my 82.  If so, should I use one of the longer leafs or a short one ?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Gil-SX4 on November 18, 2006, 02:33:24 AM
Yes but you won't get much of a lift.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: siguy8 on November 28, 2006, 05:13:17 PM
Does it work to just do the add-a-leaf in the back, or do I have to compensate in the front? I just bought the rear ones, and I am excited to get it going.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: blistovmhz on November 28, 2006, 05:42:53 PM
If your front end isn't already well below stock height, you shouldn't have any problems if you're just adding a leaf in the rear.
I added that 3/4 ton suburban set, with custom top leafs, lifting the back from about 4" below stock height to about 5" above, and I have no problems.
Also, if you're just bolting on the bottom leaf, you don't even have to dissasemble your shackles. just pop the U-bolts, remove the center bolt, and watch out when the lower 3 leafs try to smash into you.
If you're running stock springs, you should be able to put them back on by hand, otherwise just fit it with some U-clamps, and pop the center bolt back through.
(someone correct me if i'm horribly mistaken)
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Pack Rat on November 28, 2006, 06:33:19 PM
You're not horrible or mistaken  ;D.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: blistovmhz on November 28, 2006, 06:37:16 PM
huzzah for that.
I'm still adding a 3/4" flat spring and a 1/4" x 43" long x 8" depth, to my rears.
I think thats the point where 1. I need to install new brake lines because they won't reach the axle, and 2. i should start looking at some sort of side stabelization.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Hokie Eagle on November 28, 2006, 08:49:46 PM
Quote from: blistovmhz on November 28, 2006, 05:42:53 PM
I added that 3/4 ton suburban set, with custom top leafs, lifting the back from about 4" below stock height to about 5" above, and I have no problems.
(someone correct me if i'm horribly mistaken)

Do you have any pictures of that rear end sitting up that high?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: blistovmhz on November 28, 2006, 09:16:12 PM
Not yet.  And it doesn't look terribly impressive with the stock wheels, but i can get a few shots up tonight.
Like i said, I still have that 3/4 flat spring and one more curved to put on.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: 87EagleHO on November 30, 2006, 05:18:50 PM
Jeep Cherokees (XJ) use the same springs in the back (in size at least, spring rate is probably different, but should be close). There are many companies that sell lift springs for Cherokees, so there is lots to choose from.

Problem with add-a-leafs is that they are supporting your old leafs, so they will sag out much quicker than a whole new leaf pack. It is a cheap way to get lift though.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: blistovmhz on November 30, 2006, 05:58:36 PM
Besides which, you can get a new set of leafs, fabricated to spec, for about $350 CAN at any decent spring shop.
They also have some way cool new designs that minimize side sway and reduce spingback (slows spring recoil).
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: siguy8 on November 30, 2006, 06:15:35 PM
I was quoted $375 for a brand new set (that they make) specifically for my SX/4. I went for the $75 Add-A-Leafs. Actually I got $115 Rancho Add-A-Leafs for $75 because of a complication. I would always recommend Woody's 4X4 in Vancouver, WA...
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: blistovmhz on November 30, 2006, 06:34:20 PM
Well lookitthat, something is cheaper in Canada !  Huzzah.
I think looking back at this whole lift now, I should have just gone with a whole set, custom fabricated from the beginning.
Would have saved me a lot of money in both the short and long term.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Ggugvuntt on December 28, 2006, 10:12:42 PM
Can anyone tell me if cherokee springs will work? I've heard the bushings don't work; also will stock cherokee springs add lift or not? While trying to replace my rear springs I've found that rough country has springs bundles for cherokee's that lift from 2-4 inches. Instead of replacing my springs then buying an add a leaf, I'd really like to simply order these springs; but need to know if they'll work - and how much lift I will gain; don't want too much.

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: siguy8 on January 03, 2007, 07:05:10 PM
I can't answer your question, but I have another one to add. What would the part number be for the spacers that would go on the front coils? I want to level my sx/4 out now that the rear is up so high. May be this goes in a different topic.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: leftover on February 10, 2007, 11:46:01 PM
Glad I found this post my rears are sagging to the point an alignment was hurting.  Saw eagle88, I believe, used a pickup helper spring.  I found someone in Texas selling them on e-bay for 49.96(included shipping) to my home, saved my real tight budget for now.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Bird-o-Prey on February 11, 2007, 12:15:25 AM
I believe that somewhere in one of these threads, the answer to the Cherokee spring question is...Yes, but, you have to remember to change the shackles and the bushings too.  Because, I believe the Cherokee springs are a bit wider that the AMC springs.  However, they are the same length.  I hope this helps.  Doug or Gil or anyone who has more experience, please feel free to correct me if I am wrong.

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: IowaEagle on February 11, 2007, 07:25:32 AM
IIRC the front bushing size is the main difference.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: AMCFAN on March 23, 2007, 12:44:07 PM
I got my engine, trans, t-case, etc. from someone here on the site (I'll have to remember his username) and he's building a BIG Eagle. He used Cherokee rear springs and did something with the shackles and such. Worked pretty great and the back was TALL after that. He's going with a V8 and the front is getting a solid axle, so everything up front is being fabbed, but the Cherokee springs in the rear looked pretty easy to do. I'll have to find out more info and try to get some pics.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Mechanic on February 19, 2009, 01:30:25 PM
In addition to all of these extra leaf endeavors you can also get very decent coil overs for the Eagle. I have a pair on mine now and my car was raised 4 inches from what it was sitting before, not to mention it was stiffened up a fair bit (but not to much, still got the big boat ride). Fairly cheap to, I think 200 dollars CND was what I paid for them, and you can get them from Napa.
If anyone is interested I could get parts numbers for these as well.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: KevinCoughlin on September 07, 2009, 12:57:31 PM
I have been getting into my SX/4 to find out what needs to be done to make a good winter car/fun toy. The back springs were old and typically saggy. Turns out one of the rear leafs was broken. Guess that new spring set is going to be needed..... although I'm curious about a coil over conversion - I'm not afraid to weld on the car - I just don't necessarily know how much I need to fabricate to get the linkages right. Guess I need to do some more reading!
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Mavericke on January 25, 2010, 03:20:54 AM
Still trying to figure out what the best leaf springs are.... reading the initial post... anything wrong with this stuff? The front spacer says 1" in the pic, but I bought the 3" version.

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Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: DGeagle on January 25, 2010, 10:08:44 AM
I bought those exact aluminum spacers, they didn't seem to fit on the spring scared me having any wobble on the coil spring like that...maybe thats normal? I was not happy with the product at all. Maybe someone can offer me some insight.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Mavericke on January 25, 2010, 01:06:25 PM
Yeah, more insight on these would be great...
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Bosgarage57 on January 25, 2010, 01:34:13 PM
Mav I was gonna buy that off of the eB site as well, If you get it all figured out let us know.  They were pretty cheap I just dont know anything how to put it on the eagle.  Good Luck!
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Mavericke on January 25, 2010, 02:37:53 PM
Will do! I won't be putting them on for awhile, but for sure will post pics when I do... waiting on my spring compressor right now.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: viasloth on March 12, 2010, 01:11:03 AM
alright so now that im finding out blocks are no good. do they make a add a leaf kit for a 4" lift or higher for the rear? cause anything under 4" isnt gonna work with my tires haha and i 4" is kind close as it is  >:D
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: idahoeagle on December 18, 2010, 04:29:50 PM
 The XJ rear springs are an exact replacement for the 2 and 4 door sedans and 4 door wagons. Not the Kammbak or SX/4s, unfortunately... I've done a pretty fair amount of research into spring dimensions to find that out. 

I'm going to be buying my 9th Eagle befroe the end of the year. I'll be using Old Man Emu XJ rears for 2" over stock in the rear from Rocky Road Outfitters ( with new fronts from NAPA #277-3188 that are from a "Commercial Chassis" AMC Matador along with a 1" spacer to replace the stock spring seat on top of the spring from Autozone. I should net just over 2" from stock until the springs settle, then it should be pretty much 2" of lift.
I'm not sure what I'll be doing about shocks yet. I'm going to use an XJ D44 rear with 3.54s and replace the vacuum disconnect front at the same time with one that has 3.54s as well. I'm going to use a NP208 from an early 80's fullsize Jeep for low range, simplicity, bolt-in, more rear driveline length, and to eliminate the problematic viscous coupling.

My goal is to have a capable wagon with more longevity with the drivetrain than stock and to comfortably clear 31s and be able to pull them down the road without a great deal of strain. I live in BFE right now and I'll need it to be able to go more than 200 miles 1 way without wearing me out.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: ynwa on January 11, 2011, 03:57:38 PM
Quote from: idahoeagle on December 18, 2010, 04:29:50 PM
The XJ rear springs are an exact replacement for the 2 and 4 door sedans and 4 door wagons. Not the Kammbak or SX/4s, unfortunately... I've done a pretty fair amount of research into spring dimensions to find that out. 

I'm going to be buying my 9th Eagle befroe the end of the year. I'll be using Old Man Emu XJ rears for 2" over stock in the rear from Rocky Road Outfitters ( with new fronts from NAPA #277-3188 that are from a "Commercial Chassis" AMC Matador along with a 1" spacer to replace the stock spring seat on top of the spring from Autozone. I should net just over 2" from stock until the springs settle, then it should be pretty much 2" of lift.

Great post Idaho. Question on the rears. The XJ's; are they stocker XJ rears which will 'end up' with a 2" over stock on the eagles? Or are the +2" XJ rears? Last, do we have to worry about vehicle year when ordering? Great idea and thanks for sharing your research!

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Taylor on July 19, 2011, 08:44:23 PM
This is what I did:
Called ESPO and gave them the info on my Eagle, they sent the correct springs (my guess) for a Limited with AC.
Also ordered this:
It is a full length add a-leaf for a Cherokee Has roughly the same unloaded arch as the "stock spec."  Espo's.
Started by using 2 C Clamps to hold the pack together. I cut the threaded portion of the pin to remove the 1/2 nut that held the leaf pack together, the threads were tapped down to prevent loosening. Removed the straps, and loosened the c-clamps. Placed the add a-leaf into the pack next to the top leaf (the one with the eyelets) Placed the phillips screwdriver through where the alignment pin goes. Clamped the pack together installed pin and the 2 straps.
Removed the old leaf packs and installed the new ones. A little side note. The driver side leaf front bolt rusted to the sleeve and was not removable. Had to cut the mess apart.

The 4 leaf ESPO pack is at the front. The 5 leaf Skyjacker/Espo pack is at the rear. The center pin was very long and needed to be cut down before install.
Hopefully I will get the front done this weekend.
Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: A-A EAGLE on July 20, 2011, 02:51:24 PM
Quote from: Mavericke on January 25, 2010, 03:20:54 AM
Still trying to figure out what the best leaf springs are.... reading the initial post... anything wrong with this stuff? The front spacer says 1" in the pic, but I bought the 3" version.

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I have this set on my Eagle. The 1 inch ring will effect in a 2.5 to 3 inch lift in the front. They are a great fit. The longer shackles do couple up fine with the front rings. Look!

And after:


Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: NYEagle on January 31, 2012, 01:44:44 PM
Just go to any Auto Spring shop and have them install an extra pair of leaf springs.
That lifted my Eagle's sagging rear very nicely!

The shop said that if I wanted MORE lift, they could order taller front coil springs, THEN once the fronts are installed, they match the rear leafs to level the car off. Can't do it the other way round.

~ Joe in NY
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on January 31, 2012, 02:45:23 PM
Poppycock! You do the rear before the front unless the rears are custom springs.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Prafeston on January 31, 2012, 03:04:45 PM
A-A Eagle,

What sort of left did you do to the back?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: A-A EAGLE on January 31, 2012, 05:14:56 PM
Quote from: Prafeston on January 31, 2012, 03:04:45 PM
A-A Eagle,

What sort of left did you do to the back?

I put the long shackles on the back as can be seen on the right picture of the exposed liftkit a couple of posts back.
Still happy with them.

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Prafeston on January 31, 2012, 06:22:10 PM
I'm having a hard time understanding how a 1inch spacer converts to a 2.5-3inch lift...

Also in the Eaglepedia I saw something about anything over a 2inch lift can get rid of some spacing needed for the suspension to travel.


Did using this 1inch spacer give you this problem?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: WoodenBirdOfPrey on January 31, 2012, 10:51:47 PM
Quote from: Prafeston on January 31, 2012, 06:22:10 PM
I'm having a hard time understanding how a 1inch spacer converts to a 2.5-3inch lift...

In the front that 1 inch spacer translates to 2-3" of lift due to leverage.  The pivot point of the control arm is at the frame, and the spring sits on the control arm at between 1/3 and 1/2 of the length of the control arm.  Therefore that 1 inch change is going to cause a bigger change at the end of the lever (the control arm).

With the extended shackles in the rear, the exact opposite effect is the case.  Because the wheels/axles are in the middle of the spring and the length is being added at the end on the shackle, it takes roughly 2 extra inches on the shackle to get an inch of lift in the rear.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on February 01, 2012, 01:42:53 AM
Quote from: PeterM on January 31, 2012, 02:52:47 PM
Quote from: carnuck on January 31, 2012, 02:45:23 PM
Poppycock! You do the rear before the front unless the rears are custom springs.

Please explain why.

That's supposed to read CAN do the back before the front (just like I did my Spirit)

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: A-A EAGLE on February 01, 2012, 04:07:04 AM
Quote from: Prafeston on January 31, 2012, 06:22:10 PM
Also in the Eaglepedia I saw something about anything over a 2inch lift can get rid of some spacing needed for the suspension to travel.


Did using this 1inch spacer give you this problem?

With the 1inch ring it is not necessary to change anything, just put them on. When you want more lift you have to you adjust a lot.

Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: NYEagle on February 02, 2012, 03:03:44 AM
Quote from: carnuck on January 31, 2012, 02:45:23 PM
Poppycock! You do the rear before the front unless the rears are custom springs.

It was explained to me that the coils are put in first because they can then either add or remove leaves in the back to level off the car. Can't do that with coils (safely). Makes sense to me.

[Yes, there are those "donut" spacers and also those really unsafe things that you jam in between the coils to get more lift. But I'm not installing safety hazards on my Eagle.]

~ Joe in NY
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: eaglefreek on February 02, 2012, 07:34:56 AM
Quote from: Prafeston on January 31, 2012, 06:22:10 PM
I'm having a hard time understanding how a 1inch spacer converts to a 2.5-3inch lift...

It's called geometry. Not sure, but I believe it's called coil spring ratio. 1:1 would mean 1" of coil  height difference would be 1" of ride height. I read somewhere that the AMC springs we use are 1:2.30. Meaning, for every 1" of coil height it changes ride height 2.3".  In my experience the number has been pretty close.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Prafeston on February 02, 2012, 07:49:07 AM
Guess I've just never really looked at it real close down there...your first thought is that if you raised the coil an inch you'd get an inch of lift, but apparently there is more to it down there! :)
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Mavericke on March 03, 2012, 02:32:40 PM
I didn't go over the whole post but for those interested in a cheap, sturdy and super easy lift for the rear end... I installed leaf springs from a 93 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup. Everything lines up PERFECTLY and you have to only drill two holes. One on each side and they fit like a glove.

The springs I installed were wore out for the truck... it was meant to be temporary but since they have a few extra leafs in them and they're made for trucks - they really did some work on my lighter weight Eagle.  The leaf springs alone give you about 2 inches.

I also used the shackles that can be found on eBay pretty cheaply and got about 4" total with the new leafs and the shackles. I got about 3" in the front with new espo springs and coil spacers. The entire job took about a half a day and that included basically swapping the entire rear end on the wagon.

It also got new shocks so it basically had a totally replaced/upgraded suspension all the way around and with those truck springs in the back - I doubt they will ever need to be replaced. Again, I got about 4" in the back and 3" in the front after the new Espo springs settled. This was the cheapest lift I could manage at the time without doing a full axle swap.

Anyway, just something to add to the idea pool here.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on March 04, 2012, 10:28:22 AM
On my Spirit I used the Eagle spring pack with the SX4 main leaf


It takes 50 bags of cement to make it sit level!
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on March 04, 2012, 11:41:01 AM
Quote from: Prafeston on February 02, 2012, 07:49:07 AM
Guess I've just never really looked at it real close down there...your first thought is that if you raised the coil an inch you'd get an inch of lift, but apparently there is more to it down there! :)

You also have the thickness and tension of the spring coils to deal with.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: siguy8 on June 14, 2012, 10:58:39 PM
I did this once before with the Add-A-Leaf, but now I've got a different SX/4 and new problems. My driver side leaf just broke yesterday. It drove fine today, but now that I figured out what the new noise was, I'm a little worried. Probably taking the wife's car tomorrow...

I've wanted to put a lift on the SX/4, so I think this just speeds up my timeline. I want about 2-3 inches above stock. Are ESPO springs my best bet (both Leaves and Coils)? Apparently Cherokee springs don't work on an SX/4... Or is there something else I can put on. I don't want to do much/any welding/fab since I don't have any sweet tools like that.

That much lift and I know I'll need shocks. I'll put wedges in to align the driveshaft, and I plan to replace bushings too. What else will 2-3 inches of lift require me to change? Someone mentioned brake lines...

I've got an '82 SX/4 with the 5 Speed Manual and 2.5L (no A/C)...
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: siguy8 on September 13, 2012, 10:14:13 PM
Parts are on their way. I think I got the recommended combo with a mix of ESPO/suspensionking/Quadratec...

2" all around is only 10 days away! If everything goes well...
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Kippnidaho on February 04, 2013, 11:03:09 PM
I was thinking of putting the add a leaf type of system on the 83 sx/4, which one should I order, ie: yj or grand cherokee. Any thoughts or guidance.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on February 05, 2013, 03:22:29 AM
Grand Cherokee is coil spring front and back, soo...... ;)
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Kippnidaho on February 05, 2013, 08:54:51 PM
So is it the Cherokee and the YJ then. Regerdless I am just trying to determine what add a leaf system to buy to match up to the SX/4. Thanks fer the help
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: captspillane on February 06, 2013, 05:21:27 AM
I add Cherokee XJ leafs. I use the top leaf from the sx4 and everything except the XJ top leaf. It supports the notorious weak spot in the SX4 and Kammback leafs much better than factory. XJ and CJ (probably YJ too) have the same width and similar length.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on February 08, 2013, 01:38:39 AM
I'm just adding a used leaf to each of the packs in my wagon (as soon as the 8.25 rear diff is ready to go in. FINALLY put the 235/75/15s in and get just a bit of rubbing on hard corners if I hit a bump)

Pulled the rear drum today and found gear oil all over the pass side shoes, so I cleaned it up and stuck a used pair of shoes in till I get the swap done.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: cadman929 on February 12, 2013, 11:15:05 AM
would any of these work for the rear?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on February 12, 2013, 04:20:38 PM
Too expensive. You can buy spring packs (XJ) for just a couple dollars more. IIRC, the Eagle wagon and XJ share spring packs. (

Brand new XJ leaf packs $110 to my doorstep
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Plink on December 03, 2013, 09:12:01 PM
I used a set of Firestone ride rite air bags made for a 1 ton dodge truck. It was a fairly simple process too.  I removed the bumpstop then shortened the brackets the air bags came with by about 3" I think and welded them to the frame centered above the axle and drilled a half inch hole through the the spring plate where it would have hit the bumpstop and put a bolt up through it with a lock and nut on top then threaded the air bag down on that bolt and popped it into the top bracket. Plumbed the air lines and walla!  Fully adjustable air ride (kinda).  I have about 6" of adjustability and can put pretty much anything I want in the back, add a little air with a small 12v compressor and have a nice level and comfortable ride.   Oh and the Kyb shocks I used that were listed for an eagle are about 2" longer than the old ones I removed. (Not sure it the old ones were factory or not though but they appeared to be). And on the front I used new springs for a javelin with a 401.  Not real sure how it sits compared to a stock non sagging eagle since my fronts were broke and rears sagging when I bought it. But I can clear 235-76-15's now.  One of these days ill figure out how to get some pics posted of this setup.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: Prafeston on December 03, 2013, 09:19:21 PM
Yes, I'm sure some of us might be interested in this air-ride setup. With more pics and details. You could create your own How-to/Write-up on it if you want!
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: 4hammond on December 09, 2013, 04:28:54 PM
I am still trying to figure out if it is a stock XJ spring that lifts the rear or a +2 XJ that I need to order and what year. I will be also looking at the air bag idea for load. Just found a rear receiver for my wagon but worry about towing load.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on December 11, 2013, 06:19:48 PM
+2" will lift you a bit. Stock XJ makes it sit at stock height since the sprung weight is about the same from the Eagle wagon to XJ. SX4 is however different because it's lighter and the main leaf springs are shorter.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: 4hammond on December 19, 2013, 03:53:18 PM
Is there a certain year xj +2 spring pack I should get?
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on December 23, 2013, 04:24:05 PM
I've been thinking about the XJ spring swap a bit. Where the rear spring shackle bolts to the floor, you could put a steel plate under it with the holes slotted to allow the shackle to come forward the difference in the spring lengths from XJ to Eagle (Maybe we should start calling them EJ for Eagle Jeeps?   >:D
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: captspillane on December 23, 2013, 07:09:52 PM
The Eagle shackle is an oddball that has 2.5" width at the bottom and 2" width at the top. It also sits on a little hump. I cut the hump off my Red SX4 and bolted up CJ7 heavy duty eyes (2.5" wide) and then used CJ7 lift shackles. Eagle Shackles were at least 1/2" longer than CJ7 shackles and then I also lost the height of the hump, so I got CJ7 shackles advertised to lift 1" or 2". They were cheap, heavy duty, and available with grease fittings. It's worth doing to my other Eagles, especially since I can save over $100 using XJ springs instead of Eagle springs.

On the SX4 I already upgraded the shackles on I want to try XJ leaf springs. I don't know if the extra 1-5/8" in length will fit in an SX4. It should certainly work to make up the tiny difference between XJ and station wagon leafs. It's just a matter of moving the holes along the flat plate I added where the hump used to be.

At this point my only concern is the diameter of the bushing. It's bigger on an XJ, but should still fit in an Eagle bracket.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: maddog on December 23, 2013, 08:30:23 PM
I have full Cherokee leaf springs on Eagle Eyes and I had no problems putting them in I will add however that the rear bushing on the Eagle springs is wider that the Cherokee ones so you will either have to cut the extra rubber that sticks out on each side of the Eagle springs like I did or use a bunch of washers because otherwise the springs will slide around on the shackles.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: HornetRWB on September 23, 2014, 03:12:44 PM
Some really good info on this topic. XJs are plentiful in Europe so it really helps my plans for a mild lift that XJ springs fit almost perfectly. For the front I am thinking of using rear springs from a bigbody AMC.
Title: Re: Rear Spring Lift
Post by: carnuck on September 23, 2014, 03:22:55 PM
If the original leaves aren't rusty, then adding the XJ main leaf in #2 position is the easiest way.