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Klunking...but from /WHERE/??

Started by MIPS, June 07, 2023, 03:49:35 PM

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You are correct. Both sides were fitted with RareParts lower balljoints back in 2020 and they are both junk. x_x

What we think has happened (We do not want to tear them apart because I don't have a refurbished set ready) is that because the control arm bushings were not keeping the control arm square to the knuckle the balljoint has not been wearing squarely on the nylon seat inside, so it has worn itself into an oval shape.
So they were doomed as soon as I let my favorite shop press the new bushings in and they bungled the job. RareParts still has lowers available at $184.99usd, so a new pair the night before payday is going to cost me another eye-watering $500cad.
I don't want to buy another set but it's either that or I got no way to get to work.

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