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Ground Locations

Started by Papimotors, July 24, 2022, 06:13:38 PM

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Hello there

I am new on this forum, since a week i own a 1983 Eagle 4.2 with Auto trans, no AC, no Cat,
the car itself is a barnfind, i got it after  20 years sitting in a swiss barn, now i have some problems with the Battery cables, they are missing, i found out to put the positive cable to the starter solenoid, and the negative ( i hope ist right ) from the engine block to battery, but i have another ground cable that is attached to the strut tower and its cut of, where the heck does this cable going to ???
Can anybody help me ??


hi, and welcome! I take it that you are in Europe? I live in the USA, but I'm from CZ!
Anyway, where on the strut tower? top or bottom? There is a "body Ground " cable that goes from the engine block, usually at the engine mount, to the "body" side of the engine mount, where it connects to the crossmember. Post a picture or two if you can. good luck with your Eagle!   gz


the mystery ground cable that is cut of is attached at the top of the strut tower, uploading pictures didnt work :-\ i dont  know where to go with this cable
i have a fat Ground cable from the engine block to nowwhere (it was cut of from somebody ), and from the same spot from the engine block to the engine mount


My engine has a normal insulated battery ground cable from the battery to the side of the block behind the alternator. On the same bolt is a ground strap that connects the block to the body engine mount. If it's any other way I would replace it back to factory. I've seen those straps corrode away in regions where the roads are more heavily salted so perhaps the original strap at one point failed and they decided to replace it with one bolted to the strut tower?

Either way, don't let the body-to-engine ground fail or everything in the car will get mighty unhappy. Mine became loose and every time I pressed on the brake it would ground through the coolant temperature gauge and peg it.



I have at the same spot like you two insulatet cables, one perhaps for the negative Battery ( Cut of ), one to the engine mount, do you have AC or automatic trans ?
Are there more factory ground Locations at the right engine bay ?


can you show me your positive battery cable wiring ? mine is messed up, nothing there  :banghead:


I have an automatic and no AC. The only other major grounding point on the block is behind the ignition coil for the computer ground and the high-altitude jumper. Everything else in the car either grounds through the body or at the firewall so it's important that ground strap is present or it will try pulling loads through the driveshaft, transmission and anything metallic connected to the engine.

I have a single cable that runs from the battery to the line side of the solenoid. Everything in the car that needs battery power, plus the alternator also connects there using fused or fusible links. The load side goes straight down to the starter.


thanks MIPS

so maybe the cable from the upper strut tower that is cut of is a aditional Ground Cable.......lets try it out, i have to order some Parts, when they are arrived i try it out   :o

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