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Started by Still Pat, July 28, 2019, 11:23:12 AM

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Still Pat

Okay, y'all - here's the deal. My 45 year high school graduation reunion is coming up Aug. (24?). I am making TENTATIVE plans to attend. Not sure if i'll be driving the Eagle or my van, but I can transport (IF I go) some small parts. Going from St. Charles County (just across the river from St. Louis) to east of Pittsburgh Pa. on I-70 (school was right on the Md./Pa. line off I-70, Warfordsburg, Pa.). IF you have anything you want delivered at points in-between or near final destination, let me know. Considering a different route for the return trip (IF I go). Have a friend in Beckley, West BY GOD Va. I'd like to see & it's not much farther. Again, it's not set in stone, I have a bum leg that may cancel my plans. It's kinda a day to day thing so I can't plan that far ahead. Along the same route, if someone just wanted to meet up & say 'Howdy'.
'83 AMC Eagle wagon 258/auto.
'84 AMC Eagle sedan (4 door) 258/auto.
'72 Gremlin X 304/3 speed
'81 Eagle Kammback 258/4 speed (Purchased new)
'82 Eagle wagon 258/5 speed (Ordered new, traded Kammback)
'86 (I THINK) Eagle wagon - BlackBird 258/auto. (Got hit/totaled)
'83 Eagle wagon - White Eagle 258-auto. (Front subframe was rotted out - sold for parts)

Still Pat


As of now, trip is still a GO! Plan to leave 21st & drive the van. Eagle is in the hospital, cancer. Surgery was successful from what I've been told & Eagle MAY be ready to come home next week! The dr. said they got some other patients out earlier & that gave them some extra time with the Eagle. IF I can figure out how (I have to move them from my phone to the computer & then 'share' here), I'll post up a few pics. IF they went through, this is all I have. It was basically the length of the door under the chrome strip at the paint break on the passenger's side & the bottom rear corner (approx. 1/2 the size of a dollar bill) on the driver's side. Getting BOTH spots cut out & new metal welded in, then painted to match. Plus the paint had almost all peeled off the cowl & it was starting to 'patina' (they don't like it when you call it rust). Then while it's there, I'm just gonna have them replace the busted door handle. Found one of the cowl from a couple years back.
'83 AMC Eagle wagon 258/auto.
'84 AMC Eagle sedan (4 door) 258/auto.
'72 Gremlin X 304/3 speed
'81 Eagle Kammback 258/4 speed (Purchased new)
'82 Eagle wagon 258/5 speed (Ordered new, traded Kammback)
'86 (I THINK) Eagle wagon - BlackBird 258/auto. (Got hit/totaled)
'83 Eagle wagon - White Eagle 258-auto. (Front subframe was rotted out - sold for parts)

Still Pat

Plan to leave Wed. 21st or Thurs. 22nd depending. Still unsure if I'm gonna take the Eagle or the van. Eagle MIGHT be done Wed. the body shop said last week, but I wanted to leave Wed. A. M. Still willing to transport some stuff if anybody needs. Figure St. Louis to Pa./Md. state line along I-70. Probably will return to St. Louis on I-64. IF you need/want something moved along that route, now is the time to speak up! Also, if anybody just wants to meet up & say "Howdy", maybe over a burger or something at a fast food place?
'83 AMC Eagle wagon 258/auto.
'84 AMC Eagle sedan (4 door) 258/auto.
'72 Gremlin X 304/3 speed
'81 Eagle Kammback 258/4 speed (Purchased new)
'82 Eagle wagon 258/5 speed (Ordered new, traded Kammback)
'86 (I THINK) Eagle wagon - BlackBird 258/auto. (Got hit/totaled)
'83 Eagle wagon - White Eagle 258-auto. (Front subframe was rotted out - sold for parts)

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