
Putting FUN and FRIENDLINESS, FIRST into owning and learning about AMC small bodied cars, primarily Eagles, Spirits and Concords as well as vehicles built in AMC's Mexican subsidiary, VAM.

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Auction Board Rules -- Sellers, Lookers, Bidders: Read this First.

Started by IowaEagle, October 28, 2008, 07:33:32 PM

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0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic.


Only AMC Eagles and parts for them.  If a part will work on an Eagle that is OK, for example  4.0 engines, A727 transmissions, NP229 transfer cases, etc..

Items not fitting into these categories will be deleted.  Any off topic replies will be deleted.  Any comments of a derisive nature will be deleted.  Given the potential for problems this board will be watched closely.  As with our other for sale boards all transactions are between the seller and buyer.  The AMC Eagle Nest is only providing a venue to sell products to other members.  Any and all liability is borne by the seller and buyer.  If disputes arise the Seller and/or Buyer need to attempt to work it out in a private manner.  If no resolution can be had then the Seller and/or Buyer may contact, via a PM an Eagle Nest administrator.  If it is determined that a Seller or Buyer acted knowingly and willfully in bad faith, then their member account at the AMC Eagle Nest may be deleted.


1.  Sellers must list each item up for auction in a separate topic

2.  Pictures of the actual item are strongly suggested.

3.  Sellers must set a time limit for the auction and state in the topic what day and time the auction will end.

4.  Sellers may end an auction early if the item is sold outside of the auction.  If this happens the Seller will end the topic with a "Sold" post.  It would be appreciated if a note was made that this item is being advertised elsewhere.

5.  Sellers reserve the right to set a reserve price.  Sellers, if they choose may display a firm starting price.

6.  Sellers must list their payment terms and how they will ship.  If shipping is known, then please indicate this.

7.  Location of the item should be indicated.

8.  Questions posed by lookers and bidders within the item topic must be replied too within the topic.

9.  Sellers may choose to tell bidders if the bid they submitted was under the highest bid so far.

10.  The Seller 24 hours before the auction ends list in his/her topic the present high bid; and then one hour before the bidding ends the current high price.

11.  The Seller will notify the winning bidder by PM that they are the winner.

12.  The Seller will close out the topic with a Sold or Not Sold or Tie Bid reply  (see tie bid below).

Lookers and Bidders

1.  All bids will be made via a PM, NO EXCEPTIONS

2.  Indicate in the PM what you are placing a bid for.

3.  Questions regarding the item are acceptable and should be posted within the topic for all to see.

4.  If bidding you must be serious about your bid and be able to pay the price plus any shipping costs to your location.
5. Questions about rules of AUCTION , should be directed Administrators , not placed in topic to misdirect.


1.  Upon notification that you have won you must confirm with the seller when payment will be made, how it will be made and where to ship the item too.  If pick up is arranged then you must provide a date for pick up.

Tie Bidding

1.  In the event that two or more persons have the same final bid, then the seller must notify via a PM all members who had the same bid.  The Seller should then allow each bidder one opportunity to raise their bid.  If none do raise their bid then the seller can opt to sell it to the first person who bid the highest amount or choose to repost the item.  Once the item is finally sold you must then post a "Sold" reply in the item topic.


<a href="">Click for Toledo, IA Forecast" border="0" height="100" width="150 [/url]  

Not a Jeep.  Not a Car.  Its an AMC Eagle!

1982 Eagle SX/4 Sport;
1980 Concord DL;
1970 Ambassador 2 Dr HT, SST
2002 Hyundai Santa Fe;
2008 Jeep Patriot Sport - Freedom Drive II

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