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Michigan's Upper Peninsula Hunting Trip

Started by TEagle85, November 13, 2015, 05:28:43 PM

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Not the best hunting this year but headed from Chicago to the middle of the U.P. the last week of October for the bow hunting season. Rained pretty much the whole time and was unseasonable warm. Made the back trails pretty muddy and a great place to test the newly built eagle.  I used it alot, for the most part just getting back and forth from my hunting spot. Had some time to kill one day and found a old quarry to test its doughnut skills. Did just fine in the loose soil.
My main issue I had was right after those doughnuts the car started running like junk and stalled right there. Opened the hood and heard the gas boiling in the carb with fuel still dripping out the mixture tubes. Also some light leakage from the carb gaskets. Thought it was flooded (which it was) so luckily Im paranoid enough to have had tools and extra parts with me, especially way out there on my second long road trip.
swapped the plugs in the pit and got it started with some effort. Hauled butt back to camp before it stalled again at idle. After some stressful contemplation on how I was going to get the car back from the woods to Chicago, I took the carb apart in camp. Never took one apart before so not sure what I was trying to accomplish. My dad noticed the fuel bowl was a little too full and the float was submerged.
For the heck of it I grabbed a spare fuel filter and line I had and went to swap that out. The filter I had on there was a cheap chrome universal filter from AutoZone, once I got it off it rattled like there were marbles inside. Thought immediately that was the issue. swapped to the spare and it runs better then it ever has.
The filter came unglued in the housing and allowed too much fuel pressure into the carb flooding it out at low RPM.

After that I gave her heck again on the trails. Performed great, only thing is I really need to swap that gearing. 2.35 on now so I need to do some searching for a front diff.

I drove it back to Chicago straight from camp. 6.5 hours on the highway on one tank of gas. No issues whatsoever on the trip back. Starting to really like this car. Even more after I do a transfer case, and Diff swap at some point.

Anyway thought I would share.

Amc eagle by Amc eagle by Amc eagle by Amc eagle by [url=

Not many car pictures but you get the idea.


Thanks for sharing your adventure. I hear it's beautiful up in the UP.
Follow my son's 1983 AMC SX/4 project


Great photos, thanks for sharing.  The moose were even attracted to your Eagle!
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