The Shop > Inside Your Eagle
Possible new carpet link.
Hey everyone, As some of you know I am restorings an 83 wagon. The interior is near perfect minus a small droop in the headliner and a rather large tear on the pass. side rear floor. It could be covered up pretty easily with floor mats but I really want this eagle to be like new. I found a site called ( They have full molded carpets for 2and 4 door as well as sx4. They have quie a few colors including mine ;D. They want about 120.00 for regular and around 200.00 for double backed. I am really considering purchacing one...anyone ever purchaced from those guys before?
I'd see about getting a sample of the nutmeg colored carpet to compare with what is in your car now ...... I have found that some "nutmegs" are more of a light brown/tan and don't look the same as the true AMC nutmeg
Sounds like a pretty good deal to me. I agree with getting a sample to see if the nutmeg is a true AMC nutmeg. There are differences.
Wow awesome link! I'll have to remember them when I get the sx leak free, lol.
Great link. Most vendors don't include the SX/4. Thanks
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