Eagle Gallery > Eagle Road Trips

Canada to California (and back!)


I somewhat regularly attend or exhibit at Vintage Computer Festival which takes places at multiple times throughout the United States. The closest show to me is 1600km down the coastline in Mountain View, California. Solid day and a half of driving if you average 70mph the whole way.
I did the same trip last year and decided this year to do it again but with a camera setup that took a photo every 5 seconds. The result was 37000 still images that make up the trip and back. Took three days to download, sort and build it together into one 20 minute long compilation.


The fuel stats have been broken down.

Total distance traveled by odometer - 3705km
Total stops for fuel - 10
Total liters of fuel used - 526.025L
Total cost for fuel - $868.41cad (under-budget by $131.59!)
Average MPG (caution: this number is skewed low if the tank was filled before it went completely empty*) - 18.76MPG combined Highway/City

*Last year I was more daring and drove there and back more willing to run the tank pretty much empty and saw as high as 25mpg, so how I'm calculating MPG isn't totally accurate.


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